Hello there!
Discrim.Bid will be a place where you can bid on cheap discrims and buy OGs and an exceptional price. We are currently in development and are looking for support agents and head of technology and affiliation (our other 2 departments)
Direct Message Christguru / Burdened on discord if confused with the application process.
Application: https://apply.discrim.bid
Discord: https://discord.discrim.bid
Website: https://discrim.bid
Discrim.Bid will be a place where you can bid on cheap discrims and buy OGs and an exceptional price. We are currently in development and are looking for support agents and head of technology and affiliation (our other 2 departments)
Direct Message Christguru / Burdened on discord if confused with the application process.
Application: https://apply.discrim.bid
Discord: https://discord.discrim.bid
Website: https://discrim.bid
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