If you want a signature, reply with the following info:
➤ Name/Description:
➤ Background image (optional):
➤ Color(s)
➤ Your MCM, Skype and Discord:
➤ Name/Description: FuriousFruit / Youtuber
➤ Background image (optional): Something light pink and light green
➤ Color(s) light pink and light green
➤ Your MCM, Skype and Discord: FuriousFruit, FuriousFruit#3859
https://i.imgur.com/KjzWbPO.png If you want to change something, let me know.➤ Name/Description: Aware / Semi OG Seller
➤ Background image (optional): you choose
➤ Color(s): Gradient of light and dark blue
➤ Your MCM, Skype and Discord: MCM: Plate, Skype: Aware PvP, Discord: Aware#1234
https://i.imgur.com/6Fse1Xd.png If you want to change something, let me know.➤ Name/Description: FuriousFruit / Youtuber
➤ Background image (optional): Something light pink and light green
➤ Color(s) light pink and light green
➤ Your MCM, Skype and Discord: FuriousFruit, FuriousFruit#3859
https://i.imgur.com/yTFcRZG.png If you want to change something, let me know.Can you,make the background in the second one with my info a litter lighter and font bolder
https://i.imgur.com/QNgJek3.png If you want to change something, let me know.➤ Name/Description: BirthdayCard // Account Buyer and seller
➤ Background image (optional): Like nature, mountains or something like that
➤ Color(s) Like a dark purple going into a dark blue but just enough so you can see the background
➤ Your MCM, Skype and Discord: i dont have skype so could you put twitter? if not thats fine. MCM: BirthdayCard6342 Discord: BirthdayCard#0007 Twitter @ignBirthdayCard
https://i.imgur.com/NZxSeIL.png If you want to change something, let me know.➤ Name/Description: yzandra/server owner
➤ Background image (optional): something blue-ish
➤ Color(s) Blue
➤ Your MCM, Skype and Discord: Clark, yzandra#6699
https://i.imgur.com/QmX2EKp.png If you want to change something, let me know.➤ Name/Description: CWTcreeper, Owner of two Minecraft networks and small YouTuber!
➤ Background image (optional): http://extrawall.net/images/wallpapers/525_3840x2160_minecraft_block.jpg
➤ Color(s) light green and dark green
➤ Your MCM, Skype and Discord: MCM: CWTcreeper, Discord: CWTcreeper#6748