I'm providing this beautifully setup Tab-API for users on mc-market hope u enjoy.
Source: https://github.com/mythondev/Tabapi
Jar: https://github.com/mythondev/Tabapi/releases/tag/1.0
I'm using Bizarre Alex's Tab-API (https://github.com/bizarre/Azazel)
comment on this thread if you want me to make you another one for a different core as this one uses Mango.
Source: https://github.com/mythondev/Tabapi
Jar: https://github.com/mythondev/Tabapi/releases/tag/1.0
I'm using Bizarre Alex's Tab-API (https://github.com/bizarre/Azazel)
comment on this thread if you want me to make you another one for a different core as this one uses Mango.
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