I am looking for a Java Developer who has 2+ years of experience and can code most things. I need a full time developer so I will pay monthly for you to do the job. If you are interested add me on discord ItsTigerr#1836.
I'm sure you aren't that old either.Do not deal with this imbecile.
Joined his discord with link provided by him he then told us to make a stupidly simply plugin, which I did in about 30 seconds.
Scrolled up through his chat and saw he's paying $70 a month... yes a month I know xD. I asked him about it and he then proceeded to call me a scammer as shown in screenshots. I said that $700 is a lot more realistic for a full time developer. Goddam MCM is full of kids.
Do not deal with this user!
He made me make a plugin for free stated it was a test, And asked me to do another test cause he wants to see if I can code.
Did the first plugin and he wanted me to make a plugin that will drop player heads when they're killed which is pretty much what is sketchy and he'll definitely will use that for his server.
Any future developers be aware.
He said he'll be pay $70/mon but says he can't pay an advance to a person who's a good and reputable member.
Edit> This will be your 4th Neg rep now.
The same happened with NoReach__