I'm developing a skript in which you create an event and it gives you two types of head because what I want to do is that each type of head has a different effect if one can help me, I'm talking about heads of / minecraft: give @a skull 1 3 {SkullOwner: "KillWithStyle"}
where I put head I want to put the custom head that gives you the / give
on right click with head:
make console execute command "/minecraft:effect %player% minecraft:jump_bost 16 1"
make console execute command "/minecraft:effect %player% minecraft:regeneration 16 1"
make console execute command "/minecraft:effect %player% minecraft:speed 16 1"
make console execute command "/minecraft:effect %player% minecraft:resistance 7 1"
send "&8[&6SandBox&8] &cSe te ha dado effectos de &cRegeneracion II &8[&a15s&8]&5 &f- &cFuerza II &8[&a15s&8]&5 &f- &cResistencia II &8[&a6s&8]&5 &f- &cSpeed II &8[&a15s&8]"
make console execute command "/ci %player% skullplayer 1"
I do not know if this is the correct section to put this Sorry
the heads have nbtag
This way he does not let me do it either, so what I want is that of 2 different heads with / give and that each head of something different from the other
on right click:
if player is holding head named "KillWithStyle":
make console execute command "effect %player% 9"
remove 1 head named "KillWithStyle" from player's inventory
send "&fSuccess!"
where I put head I want to put the custom head that gives you the / give
on right click with head:
make console execute command "/minecraft:effect %player% minecraft:jump_bost 16 1"
make console execute command "/minecraft:effect %player% minecraft:regeneration 16 1"
make console execute command "/minecraft:effect %player% minecraft:speed 16 1"
make console execute command "/minecraft:effect %player% minecraft:resistance 7 1"
send "&8[&6SandBox&8] &cSe te ha dado effectos de &cRegeneracion II &8[&a15s&8]&5 &f- &cFuerza II &8[&a15s&8]&5 &f- &cResistencia II &8[&a6s&8]&5 &f- &cSpeed II &8[&a15s&8]"
make console execute command "/ci %player% skullplayer 1"
I do not know if this is the correct section to put this Sorry
the heads have nbtag
This way he does not let me do it either, so what I want is that of 2 different heads with / give and that each head of something different from the other
on right click:
if player is holding head named "KillWithStyle":
make console execute command "effect %player% 9"
remove 1 head named "KillWithStyle" from player's inventory
send "&fSuccess!"