ik, but I want a leaf that isnt disappear.18
hold f3 + h and you can see the id's by simply hovering over items in your inventory
go to the WorldGuard configuration and disable leaf decayik, but I want a leaf that isnt disappear.
I am using voxel sniper to build a tree but the leaves are disappears...
Use the worldguard flag leaf-decay
k tnxgo to the WorldGuard configuration and disable leaf decay
Thank youHere's a little list
Oak - 18:12
Spruce - 18:13
Birch - 18:14
Jungle - 18:15
Acacia - 161:4
Dark Oak - 161:5
With worldedit, just insert that ID.
With Voxelsniper, type /v 18 and /vi 12 (make sure to set the performers to the correct sort, aka something like /b b cm)
Btw, replacing 18 with 17 will give you 6-sided logs for those types.
Acacia 6-sided - 162:12
Dark Oak 6-sided - 162:13[DOUBLEPOST=1466173135][/DOUBLEPOST]Basically these leaf Id's are the same ID that leaves become when placed by a player as opposed to being spawned in.