We've currently got both $1/GB Budget servers and $2/GB Premium servers in stock!
We're also one of the only hosts to show our Node stats such as CPU, Ram and Network usage which you can check out here; https://pebblehost.com/monitor1hour.html
Alright i'd personally like Aquatis owned by Klanx They have very good support as well as no downtime you can check there downtime here. As well as Nolag they have very good support not much downtime as you can check here both very good company's
If you're reading this even with you being suspended I would like to let you know that at NoLag we offer Minecraft Servers for $0.80/GB.
We have multiple locations such as Los Angeles, USA or Nuremberg, Germany.
If you have any questions, feel free to message me!
We offer premium servers for a budget price. Our budget packages are $0.95/GB and our premium packages start at $1.95. If you would like access to our public test account you can ask on of our representatives on livechat. If you would like to compare budget and premium you can go to one of the plans pages and it shows all the specs and features that are included in budget and premium.
If you are still looking for something come give us an try. https://zippyhost.co.
Kind Regards
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