Hello, welcome to this thread. I'll be your host for today's read. Did I mention host? As a matter of fact, our host provider is OVH. I'm a Network owner running multiple servers since February the 10th 2018. (Quite a stable Network)
At the moment, we're currently recruiting staff members. Please visit the following Discord to apply. Our IP and website is SupremeObsidian.net for further information.
Discord https://discord.gg/GTajvJV
Here are the followings servers we own:
- Hub
- Survival
- Factions
- Skyblock
- Towny
- Creative
- Modded
- Bedwars
- BuildBattle
- BattleRoyale
- PaintBall
- Zombie Call of Duty
- TheLab
- MobArena
- Quest
- A microphone
- Speak English
- Experience
- 16 years of age or older
We are most likely looking for more Devs, Builders, Artists or Plugin Managers. Interviews are through voice. Looking forward to meeting you.
(This is not a paid position)
My Discord tag is Kalinox#4861