Opening 18th June 2016 {Post Exam Period}
We're up for early booking
[Business/Server Administration and Support]
Hi, I am here to talk about Server Management and most of all. Why us? what makes us stand out from all the other managers?
Many servers believe management is the simple part of running a server and they can handle it themselves, that's fair enough. However, by giving yourself multiple roles just makes each job poor, by having a specialised group of people to handle the stress of ensuring players and staff know what they are doing, also handling and server to contact communication. What makes us stand out is the ability to have 3 people that have worked on servers for the past 3 years. We also offer a free-trial before hand as we know some people get a bit edgy when some weird service pops up on a forum.
We're up for early booking
[Business/Server Administration and Support]
Hi, I am here to talk about Server Management and most of all. Why us? what makes us stand out from all the other managers?
Many servers believe management is the simple part of running a server and they can handle it themselves, that's fair enough. However, by giving yourself multiple roles just makes each job poor, by having a specialised group of people to handle the stress of ensuring players and staff know what they are doing, also handling and server to contact communication. What makes us stand out is the ability to have 3 people that have worked on servers for the past 3 years. We also offer a free-trial before hand as we know some people get a bit edgy when some weird service pops up on a forum.
Meet the team!
There are currently three of us, including me. All of us have worked on servers for the past 3 years, ranging from 50 players up to 500, we have grown many networks from 20-30 players up to a substantial 80-100. I personally have worked with youtubers for 1 year, I quit due to an encounter I had, however I am in contact with multiple Youtubers, CampingRusher, ExplodingTnT, Bashur, NoahCraftFTW and many more. We all work well together and before we join your server we will have meetings with you and also meet your staff team, we will never join a server if the staff and community are likely not to find it beneficial to them.
What services do we provide?
[In advance some of this vocab may be a bit ambitous]
The question we ask here is, how does the product get to the customer in as quick of time as possible, also taking into account that the product is fit for it's purpose. With this service we will be able to take control of customer service, selling, coming up with new ideas and creating quality products. Some topics that we provide under operations would be;
- Handling Staff Applications
- Staff Motivation
- Providing customers with information on where things are.
- Offering advice to customers (Players) on what to purchase to their needs
- Maintaining contact with the customer in order to provide after-sales support
- How do we ensure the server keeps it's quality?
- Keeping the server secure and if anything arises it is dealt with
- Organising the owner and planning future developments
The question we ask here is, how does the product get to the customer in as quick of time as possible, also taking into account that the product is fit for it's purpose. With this service we will be able to take control of customer service, selling, coming up with new ideas and creating quality products. Some topics that we provide under operations would be;
- Handling Staff Applications
- Staff Motivation
- Providing customers with information on where things are.
- Offering advice to customers (Players) on what to purchase to their needs
- Maintaining contact with the customer in order to provide after-sales support
- How do we ensure the server keeps it's quality?
- Keeping the server secure and if anything arises it is dealt with
- Organising the owner and planning future developments
Various Documents
- Staff Rotas
- Staff Rewards
- Player motivation
- Staff Rewards
- Player motivation
The main question in this topic is how much is the company/server making? What can we do to make more/retain money? We will be able to keep track of costs and invoices between players and suppliers, we want to ensure that pricing is on point with products that are being sold so we can make as much as possible with the ideas and products we have available
- EULA Compliance Advice
- Cost minimizing by finding best products for you
- Managing where cash is going
- Monetary motivation for staff
The main question in this topic is how much is the company/server making? What can we do to make more/retain money? We will be able to keep track of costs and invoices between players and suppliers, we want to ensure that pricing is on point with products that are being sold so we can make as much as possible with the ideas and products we have available
- EULA Compliance Advice
- Cost minimizing by finding best products for you
- Managing where cash is going
- Monetary motivation for staff
Various Documents
- Costings List
- Cash-Flow +Forecasts
- Negotiation of products
- Cash-Flow +Forecasts
- Negotiation of products
This is the process of selling your product and ensuring that is maximizes it's profits. We will look into the image of the server/company and see what it can achieve. With our advice it would allow you to understand the market you are in and also allow you to work in close connection with those servers in your market to see what could be the next thing.
- Improving Brand image (Art, Builds etc.)
- Youtuber's and any other means of advertising (organising them)
- Making the sale of items more easily accessible.
- Creating lists of new ideas we can discus with the community
- Market research to figure out the player/customer's opinions on particular issues.
This is the process of selling your product and ensuring that is maximizes it's profits. We will look into the image of the server/company and see what it can achieve. With our advice it would allow you to understand the market you are in and also allow you to work in close connection with those servers in your market to see what could be the next thing.
- Improving Brand image (Art, Builds etc.)
- Youtuber's and any other means of advertising (organising them)
- Making the sale of items more easily accessible.
- Creating lists of new ideas we can discus with the community
- Market research to figure out the player/customer's opinions on particular issues.
Various Documents
- TO-DO lists
- Areas of improvement
- Marketing plan
- Important contacts list
- Areas of improvement
- Marketing plan
- Important contacts list
How it works?
We would provide you with a free three days of our support and advice. Once that period of time had completed we will allow you to make a decision considering our support and advice over the three days and if you would like any further support or business arrangements regarding me and my team. During these 3 days we would compile a few things your server may need (excluding advertising advice) and give you a few ideas we had made up. If you do not approve of our services we'd like to know why as negative advice is as good as positive advice as it tells us what to improve on.
Depending on the size of the server it depends on the cost as we know smaller servers will be unable to afford really high costs. As payment we would take equity, a flat fee or both. Both would only imply if we were to take soul control of front end work (e.g. a 50 50 deal). Flat fee would be negotiable as we would need to discuss which of our services you require. Equity would also be negotiable as we are unsure how much work you would expect us to do.
Skype - agent.matt
Or send me a PM and I will respond within 2 days
Or send me a PM and I will respond within 2 days
Any questions hit me up, I'd also like to be informed on what we can offer that you may require as we are quite lenient!
Vouch Copies is not something we provide however, after the 3 days we expect a vouch or some kind of comment to say how your experience was with us.