Hello today I’m going to be doing profile pictures pixelized to gain a reputation / portfolio in this field afterwards I will begin to charge.
VC 0/10
Must have 5+ rep
VC 0/10
Must have 5+ rep
Well I need one
May I have a vouch copY?
Look up pixelized images in Google Images[DOUBLEPOST=1511516946][/DOUBLEPOST]Working on it I have 4 to do!Whats this "Pixelated Profile pic" can we have an example, cause i would like one, but not sure what it looks like xD lel
May I have one too please c:
May I please have one?
Thanks in advance.
Not finding anything good... just some photos that have a pixel filter (which looks so god damn bad xD ), or pixel art which i mean can be pretty dope if done right.Look up pixelized images in Google Images[DOUBLEPOST=1511516946][/DOUBLEPOST]Working on it I have 4 to do!
This guy is post farming any thread he can find and in most cases just calling people edgy lol. He said 5+ repMay i have one?
May i have one?
Would be pixel art[DOUBLEPOST=1511517594][/DOUBLEPOST]Leave my thread thanks!Not finding anything good... just some photos that have a pixel filter (which looks so god damn bad xD ), or pixel art which i mean can be pretty dope if done right.
so calling someone edgy, immediately makes me edgy?
Well I need one
May I have a vouch copY?
May I have one too please c:
May I please have one?
Thanks in advance.
This guy is post farming any thread he can find and in most cases just calling people edgy lol. He said 5+ rep
Oh well if its pixel art, id like one