I know you can disable sleep with WorldGuard but I want to allow people to sleep and get the benefits but NOT advance it to day. I have tried a number of plugins that base it on percentage and I have been testing with two accounts. I set the permission to 100% or even 90% and with two accounts you would think that both accounts need to sleep to cause it to advance but even if one account sleeps it will advance. I am running 1.13.2 and have used plugins that state 1.13.
Are there any that work with 1.13.2
I know you can disable sleep with WorldGuard but I want to allow people to sleep and get the benefits but NOT advance it to day. I have tried a number of plugins that base it on percentage and I have been testing with two accounts. I set the permission to 100% or even 90% and with two accounts you would think that both accounts need to sleep to cause it to advance but even if one account sleeps it will advance. I am running 1.13.2 and have used plugins that state 1.13.
Are there any that work with 1.13.2