Recruiting for HCF Remade

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Hey guys my name is granted you may know me from my main channel (Granted Gaming) I have made a "Team" of people that remake things ( ex. plugins, builds, configs etc ) of popular hcf servers now we will also be doing some original things to release on the channel. On every project we finished we will post it and you will be credited in the desc. We will be having multiple projects going on at the same time and some projects will be free and some will be paid this will be decided by those working on the project. an example of something I've done is a remake of arcane's custom enchant plugin Now this video did pretty well ( 150 views in one day ) but the thing with these style of videos is this same video could be watched a month from now or a year from now they are always going to be relevant gaining a views everyday. We have a discord for people to be working together on projects. Because we don't have many members currently we will be accept most applications if you do not want to fill out the application you can be interviewed on discord. we will not only be recruiting people that do configuration we will also be recruiting people for building, graphics, management etc. The link to our discord and the application is in the desc of the video below

Join our discord and get started today
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