ChunkBuster is currently the most advanced and configurable faction chunk buster plugin on the market. Simply place the block in the chunk you wish to bust and wait for the work to be done for you. ChunkBuster supports FactionsUUID, as well as MassivecoreFactions and is compatible with ALL Minecraft versions above 1.7.10.
To purchase, please contact us via MC-Market or join our discord:
(See price within the title!)
(See price within the title!)
Place a block in order to mine an entire chunk.
Ability to cancel your own ChunkBuster & every ChunkBuster currently running.
Customisable Action Bar messages.
Ability to choose the max world height or the block height.
Developer API.
100% Fully Customisable!
Command Aliases:
/Buster /Cb /ChunkBuster /Chunk
/ChunkBuster - ChunkBuster.Admin
Display the amount of chunkbuster(s) currently watching!
/ChunkBuster give (player) (amount) - ChunkBuster.Give
Give a player a specified amount of chunkbusters
/ChunkBuster stop - ChunkBuster.Stop
Stop all currently running busters on the server
/ChunkBuster cancel - ChunkBuster.Cancel
Cancel your current ChunkBuster
Place a chunkbuster.
DISPLAYNAME: '&8> &7&k123&r &dChunk Buster &7&k123 &8<'
- ''
- '&7Place this block'
- '&7to destroy the chunk!'
- ''
NO_PERMISSIONS: '&cYou are lacking permissions to perform this command!'
OFFLINE_PLAYER: '&cThat player is not online!'
FEATURE_TOGGLED: '&cThis feature has been toggled off by the server administrators!'
NUMBER_REQUIRED: '&cPlease enter a valid number! Not &7''&c%user_input%&7''&c!'
PLAYER_REQUIRED: '&cYou must be a player to perform this command!'
AMOUNT_BUSTING: '&cThere are currently &7''&c%amount%&7''&c chunk busters running!'
GAMEMODE_SURVIVAL_REQUIRED: '&cYou cannot be in this gamemode! Required&7: &8('
MOD_ROLE_REQUIRED: '&cYou must be at least mod or higher to use this in your own
COMMAND_SUCCESS: '&cYou have successfully given &7''&c%player%&7''&c &7''&c%amount%&7''&c
chunk buster(s)!'
CURRENTLY_BUSTING: '&cYou are lacking the ability to use this right now!'
CANCEL_ERROR: '&cYou cannot cancel this chunk buster, it has already begun!'
NOT_BUSTING: '&cYou are not currenlty using a chunk buster!'
CANCEL_ITEM: '&aYou have recieved your chunkbuster!'
ACTIONBAR_MESSAGE: '&aBusting Y Level&7: &c%rows%'
ACTIONBAR_COMPLETE: '&cBusting Completed!'
BUSTING_CALCULATION: '&aCalculating blocks...'
CANCEL_SUCCESS: '&cYou have cancelled your chunk buster!'
BUSTING_COMPLETE: '&dYour chunk buster has finished!'
STOPPING_ALL: '&cStopping all chunk busters.'
BUSTING_WARMUP: '&dYour chunk buster will begin shortly.'
BUSTING_COUNTDOWN: '&bYour chunkbuster will begin in &7''&c%seconds%&7''&c!'
FACTION_LAND_ERROR: '&cYou must be within your own claims, or in wilderness to
use this!'
CHUNK_ERROR: '&cThere is already a chunk buster in this chunk!'
- '&c/ChunkBuster give <player> <amount> &7- &fGive the specified player chunk
- '&c/ChunkBuster stop &7- &fStops all busters in the world.'
- '&c/Chunkbuster cancel &7- &fCancels the chunk busting process.'
ChunkBuster currently has 4 custom events
ChunkBusterStartEvent - When a chunkbuster starts busting
ChunkBusterEndEvent - When a chunkbuster finishes
ChunkBusterCancelEvent - When a chunkbuster is cancelled by a player
ChunkBusterStopAllEvent - When a commandsender stops all chunkbusters running
As well as custom events, ChunkBuster also comes with a few simple methods.
API api = API.getAPI();
api.getChunkBusterAmount() - Get the current amount of busters
api.getPlayersInCountdownMode() - Get the number of players currently receiving the countdown
api.getChunkBuster() - Get the ItemStack ChunkBuster uses.
Chargebacks are PROHIBITED. Please message us on MC-Market if you have issues with the plugin; we will help you sort them.
Distribution of the plugin is prohibited.
If you find a bug within the plugin, you will report it to us, allowing us to fix it for you and other customers.
You agree to these terms upon purchase.
Buying this plugin states that you agree to these terms, and will abide by them.
- Type
- Offering
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