Who We Are
Hey There! I Am Bitzy, one of the founders of the in-beta development RetronixMC Factions.
We are a developing server aiming to convert into a network after we build up a small player base. We're looking for some dedicated, hard working and enthusiastic staff members. If you feel you have what it takes, be sure to check out our application!
We've been deep in development for two months and are open to private beta testing for a few players. We're pushing everything to the limit from our hardware through to our budget to provide an amazing in-game experience.
Why Apply Here?
There are various reasons why you would want to become staff - Especially here at RetronixMC. We don't see you like our staff members, we see you as our family. A server's staff members can really be the difference between it dying and it THRIVING. You are the ones that help the server grow and the ones that provide a smooth experience for the players. We believe in equal opportunities for all staff members, no matter your age, gender, race or background. Furthermore, we believe that our staff team is one of our main priorities and to give a rewarding experience to them is just as important than giving the same to anyone else on the server.
What Are We Looking for In Our Staff
We're looking for people who are willing to help us push limits to provide a great in-game experience. We're looking for dedicated, hard working and enthusiastic people to help engage with the community, run the server and more!
Roles & Responsibilities
In case you are curious about what roles are avaliable and what their responsibilities are: please see below.
A moderator's job is to be the front-line representatives of the server. They should be able to interact with the community confidentially and clearly. They are to uphold the server's rules and work with members to resolve issues or report issues to be fixed. We rely on our Moderators to be the first point of communication and moderation. We also expect our moderators to be protecting the server watching our for players breaking the rules or harming others.
An administrator's job is to be able to manage any reports, settle disputes among Moderators and Players as well as resolve any issues that arise that requires a higher ranked staff member. Administrator's are to act as role models for Moderators and are to be able to help them and players when needed. Their roles also touch in on the roles of a Moderator in protecting the server, watching over he players for rule breakers.
A developer's job is to be able to either take care of configurations, plugins and bugs or other issues or to develop and create new plugins to better the experience on the server. A developer is also expected to be able to help Administrator's and Moderator's if issues arise and permissions are insufficient. Most issues will be able to be resolved by an Administrator however some do require more permission.
There are multiple types of manager roles within our community ranging from Community and Staff manager to Media manager. If you are interested in one of these roles please make this apparent in your application by selecting Manager when asked what role you are looking for.
A moderator's job is to be the front-line representatives of the server. They should be able to interact with the community confidentially and clearly. They are to uphold the server's rules and work with members to resolve issues or report issues to be fixed. We rely on our Moderators to be the first point of communication and moderation. We also expect our moderators to be protecting the server watching our for players breaking the rules or harming others.
An administrator's job is to be able to manage any reports, settle disputes among Moderators and Players as well as resolve any issues that arise that requires a higher ranked staff member. Administrator's are to act as role models for Moderators and are to be able to help them and players when needed. Their roles also touch in on the roles of a Moderator in protecting the server, watching over he players for rule breakers.
A developer's job is to be able to either take care of configurations, plugins and bugs or other issues or to develop and create new plugins to better the experience on the server. A developer is also expected to be able to help Administrator's and Moderator's if issues arise and permissions are insufficient. Most issues will be able to be resolved by an Administrator however some do require more permission.
There are multiple types of manager roles within our community ranging from Community and Staff manager to Media manager. If you are interested in one of these roles please make this apparent in your application by selecting Manager when asked what role you are looking for.
How To Apply?
For application requirements and the application form please click here
For More Information, Please Contact me Directly at Bitzy_#0921 or Join our Discord via https://discord.gg/zAkKY78
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