I'm selling the rights to the following plugin. Price is £60 with src:
CrunchyRacing is fun plugin which allows players to compete against each other in races! Admins have full control over all races and it is extremely easy to setup! You can create checkpoints to make it easier for players, check the top racer, check your highest score and more!
/race checkpoint - Teleports to the latest checkpoint
/race modify <trace> <startLoc/endLoc/checkpoint/tp> [] - Modifies created trace
/race mytop - Displays the current top of the player sender
/race start <race name> - Starts a race
/race top - Lists the current top 5 times on players
/race leave - Leaves the current race
/race create <trace name> - Creates empty race trace, modifiable with /race modify
/race leave - Leaves the current race
/race checkpoint - Teleports to the latest checkpoint
/racerl - Reloads the plugin
crunchyracing.help - Permission for help command
crunchyracing.firstselect - Permission for first select
crunchyracing.secondselect - crunchyracing.create
crunchyracing.modify - Permission for /race modify
crunchyracing.reload - Permission for /racerl
crunchyracing.create - Permission for /race create
Be sure to leave a review and a good old thumbs up never hurt anyone!
Found a bug or want a feature added? Join our Discord Support Server with 4 other Developers! https://discord.gg/x4KAERJ
I'm selling the rights to the following plugin. Price is £60 with src:
CrunchyRacing is fun plugin which allows players to compete against each other in races! Admins have full control over all races and it is extremely easy to setup! You can create checkpoints to make it easier for players, check the top racer, check your highest score and more!
- -Race Force Start
- -Race Checkpoints
- -Race Modification
- -Player scores
- -Top Racer Scores
- -Race Leave
- -Race Start
- -Race Reload
- -Race Wands
- -Race Set Times
- -Clear Effects on Start
- -Race Detection System
- -Help Hover Commands
- -Automatic Completion Commands
- -Race Placeholders
- -Extremely Configurable Configurations
- -Extremely Configurable Messages
- -Powerfil Data Files
/race checkpoint - Teleports to the latest checkpoint
/race modify <trace> <startLoc/endLoc/checkpoint/tp> [] - Modifies created trace
/race mytop - Displays the current top of the player sender
/race start <race name> - Starts a race
/race top - Lists the current top 5 times on players
/race leave - Leaves the current race
/race create <trace name> - Creates empty race trace, modifiable with /race modify
/race leave - Leaves the current race
/race checkpoint - Teleports to the latest checkpoint
/racerl - Reloads the plugin
crunchyracing.help - Permission for help command
crunchyracing.firstselect - Permission for first select
crunchyracing.secondselect - crunchyracing.create
crunchyracing.modify - Permission for /race modify
crunchyracing.reload - Permission for /racerl
crunchyracing.create - Permission for /race create
subcommand-not-found: "&cSubcommand '/race %subcommand%' not found. \n &6Type '/race' for a list of commands"
no-permission: "&cI'm sorry but I cannot do that for you"
not-in-race: "&cYou are not in race"
success-teleport: "&2Success teleport to latest checkpoint."
create-usage: "&cUsage: /race create <raceName> <worldName>"
race-already-exists: "&cThat race already exists"
create-invalid-world: "&cThis world doesn't seem to be existing"
empty-race-created: "&aSuccessfully created empty race! Use '/race modify' to modify the race"
success-leave: "&aYou have leaved the race successfully!"
modify-usage: "&cUsage: /race modify <raceName> <startLoc/endLoc/tp/checkpoint> [if checkpoint: checkpoint number]"
trace-not-found: "&cTrace cannot be found"
no-selections: "&cNo selections were done to be saved"
no-first-selection: "&cNo first selection was accomplished"
no-second-selection: "&cNo second selection was accomplished"
startloc-success-set: "&aStart location for '%traceName%' set successfully"
endloc-success-set: "&aEnd location for '%traceName%' set successfully"
tp-success-set: "&aTeleport location for '%traceName%' set successfully"
invalid-number: "&cInvalid number '%invalidated%'"
checkpoint-success-set: "&aCheckpoint %checkpoint% was set successfully for trace '%traceName%'"
top-not-found: "&cYou don't have current top time."
mytop-time: "&aYour current top time is: %time%"
start-usage: "&cUsage: /race start <raceName>"
already-started: "&cYou have already started a race! \n &6To leave the current one, use '/race leave'"
message-admins-no-tp-location: "&eIt looks like no tp location was set for '%traceName%', please message admin for this to be resolved."
successful-start: "&aYou have started a race! You can use '/race checkpoint' to return to the last checkpoint, and '/race leave' to leave it."
checkpoint-saved: "&eCheckpoint '%point%' saved!"
new-best: "&aYou have set new personal best! New time (seconds): %timeCurrentSeconds% ; old time (seconds): %timeOld%"
best-set: "&aPersonal best of %time% seconds set"
success-passed: "&aYou have finished a map! Time: %timeParsed%"
first-placed: "&eFirst location placed at: %location%"
second-placed: "&eSecond location placed at: %location%"
no-console: "&cIt looks like this cannot be done here."
no-players-played: "&cNo players have played races."
top-format: "&e#%position% &a%name% &6- &9%time%"
no-permission: "&cI'm sorry but I cannot do that for you"
not-in-race: "&cYou are not in race"
success-teleport: "&2Success teleport to latest checkpoint."
create-usage: "&cUsage: /race create <raceName> <worldName>"
race-already-exists: "&cThat race already exists"
create-invalid-world: "&cThis world doesn't seem to be existing"
empty-race-created: "&aSuccessfully created empty race! Use '/race modify' to modify the race"
success-leave: "&aYou have leaved the race successfully!"
modify-usage: "&cUsage: /race modify <raceName> <startLoc/endLoc/tp/checkpoint> [if checkpoint: checkpoint number]"
trace-not-found: "&cTrace cannot be found"
no-selections: "&cNo selections were done to be saved"
no-first-selection: "&cNo first selection was accomplished"
no-second-selection: "&cNo second selection was accomplished"
startloc-success-set: "&aStart location for '%traceName%' set successfully"
endloc-success-set: "&aEnd location for '%traceName%' set successfully"
tp-success-set: "&aTeleport location for '%traceName%' set successfully"
invalid-number: "&cInvalid number '%invalidated%'"
checkpoint-success-set: "&aCheckpoint %checkpoint% was set successfully for trace '%traceName%'"
top-not-found: "&cYou don't have current top time."
mytop-time: "&aYour current top time is: %time%"
start-usage: "&cUsage: /race start <raceName>"
already-started: "&cYou have already started a race! \n &6To leave the current one, use '/race leave'"
message-admins-no-tp-location: "&eIt looks like no tp location was set for '%traceName%', please message admin for this to be resolved."
successful-start: "&aYou have started a race! You can use '/race checkpoint' to return to the last checkpoint, and '/race leave' to leave it."
checkpoint-saved: "&eCheckpoint '%point%' saved!"
new-best: "&aYou have set new personal best! New time (seconds): %timeCurrentSeconds% ; old time (seconds): %timeOld%"
best-set: "&aPersonal best of %time% seconds set"
success-passed: "&aYou have finished a map! Time: %timeParsed%"
first-placed: "&eFirst location placed at: %location%"
second-placed: "&eSecond location placed at: %location%"
no-console: "&cIt looks like this cannot be done here."
no-players-played: "&cNo players have played races."
top-format: "&e#%position% &a%name% &6- &9%time%"
Found a bug or want a feature added? Join our Discord Support Server with 4 other Developers! https://discord.gg/x4KAERJ