ServerCore is an advanced plugin that allows you to moderate your server better than ever. There are many, many features and commands to help communicate to the staff team within your server, spot and eliminate hackers and much more.
- Staff chat which can be easily recognised.
- Staff mode which has many features.
- Log commands, block events and messages to a file.
- Block certain messages in the chat via the config file.
- Many, many useful staff commands.
- Broadcast a message to the server.
- Advanced inventory viewer.
- Report and help-op functions.
- Check if a player is muted or banned.
- Mute the chat if there is too much spam.
- Clear the chat if there are too many advertisements.
- Teleport to another world with a simple command.
- View your ping to the server.
- View the server's tps and lag.
- Freeze players who are breaking the rules.
- Teleport to a random player within the server.
- Custom messages for every single command.
- Notify staff members when a spawner is broken.
- Daily updates and constant support.
- Option to disable any of the features within the plugin if you have another plugin that does this.
- Automatic message broadcast after a certain amount of time.
- Chat slow feature to prevent spam.
- Chat filter feature.
- Coloured Signs.
- MOTD for players logging in.
- Silent join feature.
- And much, much more!
- "/" Command
- "<>" Required
- "[ ]" Optional
- /broadcast <message> - Broadcasts a message to the server.
- /day - Change the current time to day.
- /night - Change the current time to night.
- /cc - Clear the chat so it can no longer be viewed.
- /mutechat - Mute the chat so default members can no longer talk.
- /helpop <message> - Sends a message to all online staff when a player requires help.
- /report <player> <reason> - Allows a player to report another player for breaking the rules.
- /lag - View the current server status.
- /freeze <player> - Freeze a player that isn't obeying the rules.
- /unfreeze <player> - Unfreeze a player that was frozen by mistake.
- /tp <player> - Teleport to a specified player.
- /tphere <player> - Teleport a specified player to your location.
- /worldtp <world> - Teleport to a specific world.
- /invsee <player> - View a player's inventory.
- /who - View how many players are currently online.
- /sm - Enter the staff mode.
- /vanish - Enter vanish mode.
- /gm <gamemode> - Quick way to change gamemode.
- /setspawn - Set the spawn location.
- /sc - Enter the staff chat.
- /setmotd - Set the motd for when players join.
- SERVERCORE.* (Access to all the permissions within the plugin).
- SERVERCORE.BROADCAST (Broadcast a message across the server).
- SERVERCORE.CHANGETIME (Change the time to night or day).
- SERVERCORE.CLEARCHAT (Clear the chat of any messy nonsense).
- SERVERCORE.FREEZE (Freeze a player who is breaking the rules).
- SERVERCORE.UNFREEZE (Unfreeze a player who has been frozen).
- SERVERCORE.HELPOP (Allows a player to use helpop).
- SERVERCORE.HELPOPVIEW (Allows moderators to view helpop).
- SERVERCORE.REPORT (Allows a player to use reports).
- SERVERCORE.REPORTVIEW (Allows moderators to view reports).
- SERVERCORE.LAG (Check the server status).
- SERVERCORE.GAMEMODE (Allows moderators to change gamemodes).
- SERVERCORE.MUTECHAT (Allows moderators to mute the chat).
- SERVERCORE.MUTEDCHATTALK (Allows moderators to talk in a muted chat).
- SERVERCORE.PING (Allows you to check your current ping).
- SERVERCORE.SETSPAWN (Allows you to set the spawn location).
- SERVERCORE.STAFFCHAT (Puts you into staff chat mode).
- SERVERCORE.STAFFMODE (Enables/disables staff mode).
- SERVERCORE.VANISH (Allows you to see other vanished moderators).
- SERVERCORE.TP (Teleport to a player).
- SERVERCORE.TPHERE (Teleport a player to your location).
- SERVERCORE.INVSEE (View a player's inventory).
- SERVERCORE.WHO (View the amount of players online).
- SERVERCORE.WORLDTP (Teleport to another world).
- SERVERCORE.BREAKSPAWNER (Notify staff members when a spawner is broken).
- SERVERCORE.SIGNCOLORS (Change the colours on signs using minecraft colour codes "&").
- SERVERCORE.SETMOTD (Change the motd for when players login).
Upon purchase of this plugin,
1) You do not have permission to resell or give this plugin to other person.
2) This plugin can only be used on your own server.
3) You cannot decompile or modify the source of the plugin without my permission.
4) There are absolutely no refunds.
1) You do not have permission to resell or give this plugin to other person.
2) This plugin can only be used on your own server.
3) You cannot decompile or modify the source of the plugin without my permission.
4) There are absolutely no refunds.
Total Downloads:
Please remember all these messages (including the prefix) is configurable).
Clearing the chat -
Freezing a player -
Entering staff mode -
Staff mode items -
Click here to view a GIF of staff mode.
Staff chat -
Ping and lag features -
Changing the time -
Setting the spawn point -
Broadcast feature -
Muting the chat -
Number of players online -
Lang.yml file -
Log file -
Config.yml file -
Click here to see an inventory view GIF
Clearing the chat -
Freezing a player -
Entering staff mode -
Staff mode items -
Click here to view a GIF of staff mode.
Staff chat -
Ping and lag features -
Changing the time -
Setting the spawn point -
Broadcast feature -
Muting the chat -
Number of players online -
Lang.yml file -
Log file -
Config.yml file -
Click here to see an inventory view GIF
- Add commands: /fly, /heal, /feed and /spawn.
- Add multiple files so each player has a separate log file.
- Add a config reload command rather than reloading the server.
- Add support for bungeecord.
- Store reports and helpop in a GUI system.
- Much, much more!
- If you are in need of a feature please request it.
- Add multiple files so each player has a separate log file.
- Add a config reload command rather than reloading the server.
- Add support for bungeecord.
- Store reports and helpop in a GUI system.
- Much, much more!
- If you are in need of a feature please request it.
If you are looking to buy the source code for this plugin I will sell it for $9.99. However, this does not mean you have permission to resell at anytime. If you are interested send me a private message.
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