If you're looking for a completely ready, no-hassle way to own a Factions server, Skyline is your best bet. I, along with the rest of my team, have put in a lot of work so you don't have to.
- Full staff and development team
- ~500 member Discord
- 70-100 players online at all times for Map 1
- 300 unique players in 24 hours
- $350 worth of donations in first 24 hours
- All builds are fully custom. Includes custom-built 200x200 spawn worth close to $200
- Custom plugins & events designed by our development team (only found on Skyline)
- Premium Factions features (/roam, /f shield, void chests, advanced enchantment system, virtual keys, fancy crates, etc.)
- Robbery Event (similar to KoTH): capture a point and earn money while you have control of the point, there are 5 stages available to capture. Includes a custom-built area.
- Upgradeable Harvester Hoes: All player get their own free harvester hoe by typing /hoe. For every piece of cane harvested, the player gets a soul. Souls can be used to upgrade sugarcane sell price, haste, and even enable an auto-sell feature.
- Cane Top: The server has a special cane top GUI that is specially integrated with our custom harvester hoes.
- Bank Block: Custom block accessed by /bank. It can only be placed in your faction's territory. Click on the block to show a GUI where you can deposit and withdraw money. Money in the bank gains interest, which can be upgraded.
I've calculated the value of the server to be roughly $900. Buy now price is $800 but, of course, this price is negotiable. If your offer is reasonable I will accept it without getting more bids.
Buy Now: $800
Current Bid: $600
Current Bid: $600
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