Staff for Upcoming HCF Server

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ConaHCF Owner
Feedback score
Hello, I'm Aiste and I am the owner of FadedHCF.

We are an upcoming HCF server and we need staff. At the moment, we are looking for all types of staff (Admin,SrMod,Mod,Helpers etc..). If you are interested, please apply using this form:

Age (doesn't matter, based on maturity):
Past Experiences:
What rank you are aiming for:
Why should you be staff:
What makes you different to another applicant:

Thanks, and good luck! If you have any questions, message me.


cool professional words to sound professional :D
Feedback score

Age (doesn't matter, based on maturity):14

Past Experiences:I have been staff on numerous amounts of servers before.On my past experience I have learned many new things such as How to be more organized with your timings, I have learned what it actually means to become a staff member I've met many new people while in the process, I think my experience was unique since I learned many new stuff.

What rank you are aiming for:I'm aiming for Moderator since I enjoy the role of Moderating chat, Looking out for rule breakers and many other stuff you get to do when you're one.

Why should you be staff:I'm able to offer the server many stuff and one of them being My Dedication.I will always try to be on to help players and watch for people trying to break the rules, I will also dedicate most of my time into this project since i have always liked Hardcore factions servers and this would give me a huge opportunity. Although, I can sometimes joke around to have fun with players or staff members I will always take my job professional when I have to and not be disrespectful to other members of this community to give them a good experience.I have been playing Minecraft for a long period of time and I'm very experienced with commands, helping players from the server and also Dealing with Rule breakers and that can be Hackers,spammers advertisers and griefers.I feel like If I'm able to make it into the staff team the Players will be happy with the results I give since I'm a pretty good guy to talk and have fun with.I also like to chat with the people in the server and I think that's a pretty good aspect I have since not everything is just being staff and Find rule breakers also you have to talk to players hear what they say if they have any suggestions or just talk privately about stuff they want me to help them with even if it is In real life problems.

What makes you different to another applicant:I have many stuff that are different from other applicants such as one being I speak 2 languages one being English and the other being Spanish and I feel like i can write both efficiently although here and then I might have my flaws with English but it shouldn't be a problem since it isn't frequent its just once in a blue moon.Dedication, its another aspect i have that other applicants might not have since when I'm liking something I will dedicate a long time on it working to make it work efficiently and make it be as friendly as possible.I'll always try to dedicate a minimum of 3 hours into the server daily and max I can probably do is 24 hours.


ConaHCF Owner
Feedback score

Age (doesn't matter, based on maturity):14

Past Experiences:I have been staff on numerous amounts of servers before.On my past experience I have learned many new things such as How to be more organized with your timings, I have learned what it actually means to become a staff member I've met many new people while in the process, I think my experience was unique since I learned many new stuff.

What rank you are aiming for:I'm aiming for Moderator since I enjoy the role of Moderating chat, Looking out for rule breakers and many other stuff you get to do when you're one.

Why should you be staff:I'm able to offer the server many stuff and one of them being My Dedication.I will always try to be on to help players and watch for people trying to break the rules, I will also dedicate most of my time into this project since i have always liked Hardcore factions servers and this would give me a huge opportunity. Although, I can sometimes joke around to have fun with players or staff members I will always take my job professional when I have to and not be disrespectful to other members of this community to give them a good experience.I have been playing Minecraft for a long period of time and I'm very experienced with commands, helping players from the server and also Dealing with Rule breakers and that can be Hackers,spammers advertisers and griefers.I feel like If I'm able to make it into the staff team the Players will be happy with the results I give since I'm a pretty good guy to talk and have fun with.I also like to chat with the people in the server and I think that's a pretty good aspect I have since not everything is just being staff and Find rule breakers also you have to talk to players hear what they say if they have any suggestions or just talk privately about stuff they want me to help them with even if it is In real life problems.

What makes you different to another applicant:I have many stuff that are different from other applicants such as one being I speak 2 languages one being English and the other being Spanish and I feel like i can write both efficiently although here and then I might have my flaws with English but it shouldn't be a problem since it isn't frequent its just once in a blue moon.Dedication, its another aspect i have that other applicants might not have since when I'm liking something I will dedicate a long time on it working to make it work efficiently and make it be as friendly as possible.I'll always try to dedicate a minimum of 3 hours into the server daily and max I can probably do is 24 hours.
Accepted. Please pm me your Skype for your Interview
Banned forever. Reason: Scamming (
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