Please use this format when applying for any staff position. Currently we have 4 staff positions Helper, Mod and Builder, Plugin Manager (Discluding Owner of course). If you are applying for Mod or Admin there is a possibility that you have to go through a period of being Helper until the Staff makes a final decision if you should be accepted or not.
We will try to review all applications as soon as possible. If we don’t happen to get to it right away please be patient and do not bug staff members to review it. If you do this will decrease your chances of being Accepted
Do not bump your application or keep applying, we will review it when we have a chance. If your application is rejected re-apply if you wish in around 1 month time from the rejected application or wait until a staff member recommends you apply again.
Note that if you lie on any part of your application, you reduce your chances heavily (this includes your age/ GMT/ Bans etc.)
Say YES if you understand that asking a staff member about your application means an instant rejection of your application -
Age -
Timezone –
Current Rank –
Position you are applying for -
What time are you most often on? (your time) -
We will try to review all applications as soon as possible. If we don’t happen to get to it right away please be patient and do not bug staff members to review it. If you do this will decrease your chances of being Accepted
Do not bump your application or keep applying, we will review it when we have a chance. If your application is rejected re-apply if you wish in around 1 month time from the rejected application or wait until a staff member recommends you apply again.
Note that if you lie on any part of your application, you reduce your chances heavily (this includes your age/ GMT/ Bans etc.)
Say YES if you understand that asking a staff member about your application means an instant rejection of your application -
Age -
Timezone –
Current Rank –
Position you are applying for -
What time are you most often on? (your time) -