Pretty big devouch, I went into their discord to inform them that their website was missing a cookie notice & Privacy Policy (Yes, you are legally required to have both to be GDPR compliant) and was met with my messages being deleted, After some conversation I was told they "didn't need to comply because 'Nobody except the staff really use the website'".
I was then told that "We already have our legal team for if or when we our in requirement of things like this." yet the "business" is far from "legal".
I was then sent a picture of a bunch of clients email addresses and names (to prove they didn't store IP address? of which are not even stored on the same panel.. anyhow) and told that him sending me that photo was "legal" if it was shown and deleted and it was illegal if I "downloaded" the data (eg screenshot) he just sent me?....
Considering at this point, Tristan has just released names and email addresses of clients and told me that it is "legal" for him to do so as long as I didn't download the data (huh?..) I just gave up in trying to help them rectify the problem.
Seems like a pretty good Joke based on my 15 minute conversation in their discord and I personally wouldn't touch with a 100ft pole as they have no regard for any privacy.