Toddy's Management


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The BEST Free Management Service

Hello everyone!

As many of you know I used to own two of my own networks, in 3-4 months they
both made over £5000.

I now currently work for RUXOR & SYBER networks, where I'm in charge of a staff team of 30+ staff members.
These networks I have fully reworked the staff team and how they run application processes,
I also fully reworked the ticket process, community engagements, and how the community interacts with us.
These are servers that are owned by the same person so run in a very identical way now,
I have also fully developed new game modes for this network, which from beta tester reports
are very enjoyable.

I'm a university student who is currently majoring in Marketing, so when it comes to getting players I'd say I'm pretty knowledgeable.
I've been managing and developing servers since 2017, I'm normally someone who is contacted privately without any prior posts but now
as I have a lot of freetime, I'm willing to join new networks!

I've currently worked for networks that have only held 1000 players and nothing higher so I do have much experience when it comes to large networks!

If anyone wants more details my discord is Toddy#0001

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