VoxHQ is a 1.8+ Network server that currently has a player base of 5 - 15 right now, reaching over that easily. (Currently declining as we plan to reset our factions server & Skyblock server, very soon) Our Discord server currently has 360 people in it.
We have a lot of features on both of the servers and need Administrators that can handle parts of the server such as the forums, configuration, and applications.
- Must have a mic.
- Must be really active on the server discord/voice/forums and the server overall.
- Somebody who isn't toxic and is chill.
- Someone preferably 18 max and 14 minimum, not any older.
- Someone who can handle helping players who are toxic/people who are childish (as some of the people on this server kinda are)
- Not currently admin/working at another server.
- Someone who would genuinely care for the server and the players.
Please don't private message me on here since I'm not really active here.
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