Contributori: Gepiroy
Plugin abandoned by its original developer, me and a collaborator decided to take it back and update it Create portals of any shape / size / block! Functional, robust, customizable and extensible via API ... this is WarpPortals!
Portals of any shape, size or type of block!
Now it has an API!
Create portals with any type of block!
Bring them without frames or with frames of any material
Portals that work between worlds
Easy to create portals
Easy to set destinations
Precise teleportation
Enable or disable the normal functionality of global portals
Portal permissions. Set up donor portals!
Video Guide:
Soon available currently and in progress
usage: /wp
alias: [phelp, wp-help]
description: Associate the WarpPortal creation tool with the current item
usage: /wp-portal-create [portalname] [destName | (World, x, y, z)] [portalMaterial]
alias: [pcreate, wppc]
description: change the block type of a WarpPortal to another material
usage: /wp-portal-material [portalname] [portalMaterial]
alias: [wppm]
description: delete a WarpPortal by name.
usage: /wp-portal-delete [portalName]
alias: [pdelete, wppd]
description: Associates the portal delete tool with the current item
usage: /wp-portal-deltool
alias: [pdeltool, wppdt]
description: enable or disable the current item as a Portal ID tool
usage: /wp-portal-idtool
alias: [wppidt, wppid]
description: list all WarpPortals
usage: /wp-portal list
alias: [plist, wp-portals, wppl]
description: teleport to a WarpPortal
usage: /wp-portal-teleport [portalName]
alias: [wp-portal-tp, wpptp]
description: creates a WarpPortals destination using the current position and point of view
usage: /wp-destination-create [destinationName]
alias: [pdest, wpdc, wp-dest-create]
description: remove a WarpPortals destination by name
usage: /wp-destination-delete [destinationName]
alias: [pdestdel, wpdd, wp-dest-delete]
description: lists all saved WarpPortals destinations
usage: /wp-destination-list
alias: [pdestlist, wp-destination, wp-dest-list, wpdl, wp-dests]
description: teleport to a WarpPortals destination
usage: /wp-destination-teleport [destinationName]
alias: [wp-destination-tp, wp-dest-tp, wp-dest-teleport, wpdtp]
description: Force save all WarpPortals data
usage: /wp-save
alias: [psave, wps]
description: Force loading WarpPortals data from portals.yml
usage: /wp-load
alias: [pload, wpl]
description: backup current WarpPortals data to "portals.yml_yyyy-MM-ddTkk-mm-ss.bac"
usage: /wp-backup
alias: [pbackup, wpb]
wp version:
description: print version information for WarpPortals
usage: /wp-version
How do you create a portal?
First choose the portal destination and set it using "/ wpdc [name]". This command will set the destination to current position, world AND angle of view.
Second, build a portal of any shape with the gold blocks. These will form the body of the Portal.
Third, keep a non-blocking element and run the command "/ wppc [portalName] [destName] [portalBlockMaterial]". This will make the next gold block you click turn them into a portal made of the specified portalBlockMaterial, for example WATER.
Fourthly, right-click on any of the gold blocks you have built. The plugin will find all adjacent gold blocks and turn them into a portal!
Fifth, profit.
Who can use a WarpPortal?
Anyone can use a WarpPortal by default. You can revoke someone's WarpPortal rights by setting their "warpportal.enter" permission to false. New: WarpPortals Event API allows you to override it!
How do you use WarpPortals?
WarpPortals are always on and just walking even if one will teleport you to your destination.
Who can create /administer a WarpPortal?
Only players who are op or have "warpportal.admin" permission.
What are the settings?
You can change the normal function of the Nether / End portals. For example, setting it to false would mean that when a player goes through a Nether portal that he activated with flint, nothing would happen.
You can change the overall text color used by the plug-in. By default, yellow.
You can adjust the maximum size of the portal. This limit exists so that it is not possible to create a Portal that is large enough to cause a crash
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