RaytraceAntiXray | Ores, Entities, Tiles v0.15.5beta

The best antixray solution for everything including ores, entities, and tiles utilizes raytracing.
chore: Bumped fairy to 0.7.9b14-SNAPSHOT
fix: Fixed NPE on EntityExplodeEvent
feat: Added support to Asteroid Spoofer
chore: Bumped fairy to 0.7.9b13-SNAPSHOT
fix: Added support to CoordinateOffset
feat: Added no permission message customization
feat: Added support 1.21.2 and 1.21.3
chore: Bumped fairy to 0.7.9b6-SNAPSHOT
fix: Fixed block packet sending order
feat: Added Block Grouping, Third Person, Max Third Person Distance to antixray configuration menu
chore: Improved how sending block works
feat: Added option rotatingRate to entity culling
feat: Added option idleRate to entity culling
feat: Added antixray tps command
feat: Added blockGrouping option
feat: Added antixray check command for debug purpose
chore: Improved F5 for entity culling
chore: Moved thirdPersonSupport options to global config in main plugin
chore: Use max possible distance for entity tracker finding entities
chore: Entity culling should take care of xray bypass
chore: Improved performance of bypass toggling
chore: Added better native zoom support for 1.8 (more in the future) fix: Fixed 1.12.2 errors
fix: Fixed sneaking detection
fix: Entity entry map for Java 17
fix: Fixed entity culling didn't reset cache
fix: Fixed how vision works for F5 support
fix: Fixed entity culling doesn't have proper update for F5
fix: Fixed wrong config loading logic

fix: Fixed third person angle issue
fix: Ignore any error from getEntity at the moment

fix: Fixed third person calculation
fix: Fixed cancelling ChunkUnloadEvent causes issue
fix: Fixed entity tracker updating issue
fix: Fixed bypassing issues
fix: Fixed dependency issue for API
fix: Fixed chunk collection race condition
fix: Fixed minecart is weirdly rotated when visible
chore: Added trustedRange option
fix: Fixed error handling in config loading
fix: Use transaction packet to confirm before start raytracing
fix: Fixed nether warts cannot be obfuscated
We encourage everyone to backup configuration files before updating to this version!

chore: New configuration system with world filters.
chore: Bumped fairy to 0.7.9b4-SNAPSHOT.

The new configuration now no longer checks file name for worlds, we now has a dedicated option for world filtering, check documentation for further information: https://docs.imanity.dev/antixray/configurations
Buy a license now
EULA: Standard EULA
Entity Culling
Anti-xray system for entities, powerful addon to prevent ESP.
Tile Culling
Anti-xray system for block entities, powerful addon to prevent ESP.
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143 Purchases
Apr 1, 2024 Published
Dec 2, 2024 Updated
5.00 star(s)
Average rating (37)
8.7 MB File size
  1. Staff
  2. Anticheat
  3. Patch
Game mode
  1. Survival
  2. Factions
  3. UHC
Supported software
  1. Bukkit
  2. Spigot
  3. Paper
  4. Folia
Supported versions
  1. 1.8
  2. 1.12
  3. 1.16
  4. 1.17
  5. 1.18
  6. 1.19
  7. 1.20
  8. 1.21
Recommended for you
Knockback modification plugin. A plugin, not a spigot fork, use it on your favourite spigot fork.
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41 purchases
The competitive team verse minigame plugin with infinite possibility
5.00 star(s) 4 ratings
17 purchases
Engage in the classic team-versus-team battle map where players destroy each other using monsters!
Not yet rated
4 purchases
The best 1.8.8 TacoSpigot fork with impressive performance and enterprise level configurations!
5.00 star(s) 57 ratings
477 purchases
The best 1.8.8 TacoSpigot fork with impressive performance and enterprise level configurations!
5.00 star(s) 5 ratings
121 purchases
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143 Purchases
Apr 1, 2024 Published
Dec 2, 2024 Updated
5.00 star(s)
Average rating (37)
8.7 MB File size
  1. Staff
  2. Anticheat
  3. Patch
Game mode
  1. Survival
  2. Factions
  3. UHC
Supported software
  1. Bukkit
  2. Spigot
  3. Paper
  4. Folia
Supported versions
  1. 1.8
  2. 1.12
  3. 1.16
  4. 1.17
  5. 1.18
  6. 1.19
  7. 1.20
  8. 1.21
Recommended for you
Knockback modification plugin. A plugin, not a spigot fork, use it on your favourite spigot fork.
Not yet rated
41 purchases
The competitive team verse minigame plugin with infinite possibility
5.00 star(s) 4 ratings
17 purchases
Engage in the classic team-versus-team battle map where players destroy each other using monsters!
Not yet rated
4 purchases
The best 1.8.8 TacoSpigot fork with impressive performance and enterprise level configurations!
5.00 star(s) 57 ratings
477 purchases
The best 1.8.8 TacoSpigot fork with impressive performance and enterprise level configurations!
5.00 star(s) 5 ratings
121 purchases