
  1. PixelMine

    Structure Chest Loot Graphics v1.0

    112 Structure Chest Loot Items Setups for Oraxen and ItemsAdder, just Drag & Drop Oraxen 1.18+ compatible ItemsAdder 1.15+ compatible Aquamarine BottleAztec Coin Aztec Mask Bear Mask Box Brain in a Jar Brass Bowl Cactus Pot Campfire Candle Ceremonial Knife Chamber Arrow Chamber Flask...
  2. Cloud Studio

    CloudLock - Advanced Chest System v1.1

    CloudLock is a versatile Minecraft plugin designed to enhance the security of chests within your server by allowing players to lock them with a unique 4-digit PIN code. With CloudLock, players can easily protect their valuable items from unauthorized access while giving server administrators...
  3. Lilshroom

    AdminBlocks - Lock, Regen, Control v1.2

    AdminBlocks is a plugin made to lock blocks and regenerate chests. If you just want a chest at spawn to regenerate free goodies for your players every few minutes, or don't want to deal with the hassle of setting up a region, but want your diamond tower untouched, look no further. We are here...
  4. iPlexity

    iPlexity | Independence Day Pack v1.0

    iPlexity | Independence Day Pack Items Included in Resource: Uncle Sam Armor Set Uncle Sam Hat July 4th Sword (Animated) July 4th Pickaxe (Animated) July 4th Axe (Animated) July 4th Hoe (Animated) July 4th Shovel (Animated) July 4th Chest (Furniture) (Animated) July 4th Key July 4th Wings...
  5. rexlManu

    FairyVaults v1.6.3

    ✨ FairyVaults ✨ Give your players the ultimate storage solution with FairyVaults! Store items securely in customizable private vaults. Server admins can distribute vaults via permissions and commands. Visit our wiki for more information! Features 🌟 Easy Vault Management View all vaults with a...

    Loot Crates Vol 1 | Oraxen config v1.2

    Four tiers of eight different types of loot crates. Complete drag and drop Oraxen configuration. Basic common crate Basic rare crate Basic epic crate Basic legendary crate Advanced common crate Advanced rare crate Advanced epic crate Advanced legendary crate Common key Rare key Epic key...
  7. Minelc Builds

    9x Stone Chest Pack v1 v1.0

    JSON format file and OBJ file
  8. Minelc Builds

    9x Golden Chest Pack v1 v1.0

    Files: 9x .Obj files and BlockBench archive
  9. PixelMine

    Easter Models v1.0

    10 Models Setups for Oraxen and ItemsAdder, just Drag & Drop 1.19+ compatible
  10. Mazapan

    KatsuChest - New Options to lock chest v1.1.4

  11. T

    Survival Base 0

    Survival base with a Dragon and a lot of details Versions: 1.20+ Interiors: Yes Castle Dragon Nether Portal Storage System Enchantment table Auto stove Farmers fields Flying island Camp Well Lake Bridge Swing Bedroom And so much more..
  12. PixelMine

    Valentine Chest Models v1.0

    5 Block Models Crates Setups for Oraxen and ItemsAdder, just Drag & Drop 1.19+ compatible
  13. SaturnStudio

    Wooden Silver Chest | SaturnStudio v1.0

    SaturnStudio presents: Wooden Silver Chest This comprehensive set contains everything you need to enrich your server, including: ItemsAdder Configuration Chest Model Key Model DISCORD: CLICK HERE Installation Instructions: Ensure you are in the plugins folder. Drag and drop the "ItemsAdder"...
  14. SaturnStudio

    Western Chest | SaturnStudio v1.0

    SaturnStudio presents: Western Chest This comprehensive set contains everything you need to enrich your server, including: ItemsAdder Configuration Chest Model Key Model DISCORD: CLICK HERE Installation Instructions: Ensure you are in the plugins folder. Drag and drop the "ItemsAdder"...
  15. SaturnStudio

    Wooden Gold Chest | SaturnStudio v1.0

    SaturnStudio presents: Wooden Gold Chest This comprehensive set contains everything you need to enrich your server, including: ItemsAdder Configuration Chest Model Key Model DISCORD: CLICK HERE Installation Instructions: Ensure you are in the plugins folder. Drag and drop the "ItemsAdder"...
  16. SaturnStudio

    Sand Castle Chest | SaturnStudio v1.0

    SaturnStudio presents: Sand Castle Chest This comprehensive set contains everything you need to enrich your server, including: ItemsAdder Configuration Chest Model Key Model DISCORD: CLICK HERE Installation Instructions: Ensure you are in the plugins folder. Drag and drop the "ItemsAdder"...
  17. SaturnStudio

    Valentine Chest | SaturnStudio v1.0

    SaturnStudio presents: Valentine Chest This comprehensive set contains everything you need to enrich your server, including: ItemsAdder Configuration Chest Model Key Model DISCORD: CLICK HERE Installation Instructions: Ensure you are in the plugins folder. Drag and drop the "ItemsAdder"...
  18. SaturnStudio

    Red Wood Golden Chest | SaturnStudio v1.0

    SaturnStudio presents: Red Wood Golden Chest This comprehensive set contains everything you need to enrich your server, including: ItemsAdder Configuration Chest Model Key Model DISCORD: CLICK HERE Installation Instructions: Ensure you are in the plugins folder. Drag and drop the...
  19. SaturnStudio

    Stripes Chest | SaturnStudio v1.0

    SaturnStudio presents: Stripes Chest This comprehensive set contains everything you need to enrich your server, including: ItemsAdder Configuration Chest Model Key Model DISCORD: CLICK HERE Installation Instructions: Ensure you are in the plugins folder. Drag and drop the "ItemsAdder"...
  20. SaturnStudio

    Labor Day Party Chest | SaturnStudio v1.0

    SaturnStudio presents: Labor Day Party Chest This comprehensive set contains everything you need to enrich your server, including: ItemsAdder Configuration Chest Model Key Model DISCORD: CLICK HERE Installation Instructions: Ensure you are in the plugins folder. Drag and drop the...