EnderPouch is an all-in-one ender chest management and access plugin for Minecraft Paper servers.
EnderPouch is your one-stop-shop for everything ender chests! This plugin introduces an ender pouch item, which players can use to open their ender chest from anywhere. A...
FishRewards - Elevate Your Fishing Experience in Minecraft!
Description: Introducing the FishRewards plugin, a game-changer that enhances the joy of fishing in Minecraft. Picture this: you cast your fishing line into the serene waters, waiting with anticipation. But now, with FishRewards...
Wiki of plugins
About this product
StorageMechanic is a plugin based on Mechanics that allows you to create new types of storage, such as backpacks, chests, and many new systems, ingeniously coded and made for your...
This pack includes 40 unique high quality loot box models for your server , and an easy drag and drop ItemsAdder configuration.
This is an addon for ItemsAdder Plugin
How to install :
1. extract the content of the .zip file inside the folder : plugins/ItemsAdder/
2. use the command /iazip...
Skywars Chest | 1.8+
"The perfect Skywars map!"
• 12 Team Skywars Map
• Build is NON-EXCLUSIVE. Resell rights are not included.
• File is compressed as a .zip.
• Built using 1.8 blocks.
• Perfect for any minigames servers!
Additional Images can be found HERE.
I need some quick money and I'm looking to sell ownership of my plugin. With this you would receive access to source and access to redistribute as you please (I would stop selling aswell obviously). Maintenance is pretty slight, never needs a bunch of changes. Source has never previously...
Hello, title say it all. I want a custom simple Chestshop plugin for a server hosted on spigot 1.12-1.16. If you guys know any, please link, if not ill buy.
I want it done asap, thank you
New in NewPlayerChest
NewPlayerVault allows you to obtain up to 28 virtual chests.
Organized in a GUI
Possibility of changing the icon of each chest (by right clicking) for better organization.
524 icons available.
Support for Sql and MySQl.
Villagers and Holograms System...
Get your copy right here!
Anti-ESP is a complete solution to prevent cheaters from using Chest ESP/X-Ray cheats on your spigot server. It provides the opportunity for players to enjoy building a base without getting griefed or raided by cheaters. Using this plugin cheaters will not be able to...
- Restock Chest to be 1 chest size capacity
- Only make the shops on single regular chests (not double chests)
- (0:51 from video) Item names to have Captial letters at the start, for example: potion = Potion, golden apple = Golden Apple
- Max Advertise time is 24 hours...
LINK: https: // imgur.com /a/ watyR1y
EXTRA LINK (shows how it works): https://gyazo.com/6059b097f1ca34076865bbf927f0cab1
I'm looking for someone to make me a custom plugin (can include other made plugins).
- Someone...
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