
  1. StrikesDev


    ANY QUESTION, DM ME ON MY DISCORD ACCOUNT: StrikesDev#0723 INTRODUCTION: This is a Plugin more likely like DeluxeChat but more affordable, You can fully Customize the Texts on the config. create a Formats (NO PERMISSIONS NEEDED) You can also create multiple formats of chat, like deluxechats...
  2. Kipfro2001

    Need Deluxe Chat & VotingPlugin config (PAID)

    Hi all, I have a simple job in the fact that i want help creating a config for VotingPlugin, I would do it myself i but i cant be bothered. Also would like help with deluxe chat If you know what you are doing and you can do both or one of these please contact me on my discord and not on...
  3. MrblockClock

    PEX, DeluxeChat, GUI, Kits, and Crates Configuration needed 1.13.2

    I will be opening my server in about two weeks and have been developing configurations for my kits, deluxechat, and GUI. While I have been doing a fair amount of YAML line time the results are slow and repetitive so I am willing to pay for the knowledge and knowhow of making the right setup. I...
  4. P

    Deluxe Tags

    Hey, not sure whether this is the right section, but does anybody know how to make it so all tags (locked or unlocked) appear in /tags for all players (even those who don't own any tags). Would this need to be done via DeluxeMenus or is there a way within the DeluxeTags plugin? Any help is...
  5. GabyTM


  6. Macalite

    ⧛[HQ] Cheap and Reliable Plugin Configurations!⧚

    Shout out to 3nveloqe#3296 for the Thread Design Offering 3 free Vouch configurations to users with good reputation
  7. Macalite

    Free Vouch Configurations

    I've been configuring for over 3 years, but I've only just started properly advertising on MCM. I figure to boost my reputation I can do some free Vouch configs. For these Vouch configs I will be configuring: - Essentials Lang - Essentials MOTD - Tablist - Featherboard/Scoreboard -...
  8. Konbbomba


    DeluxeChat Customize your chat with a powerful formatting system that allow you to add tooltip messages when you hover over different chat sections! Now includes bungee compatibility for cross server chat! Configuration can be confusing! Allow me to help for a price of 2$ usd I will set you up...