
  1. Hebara

    ► Hebara's Terraforming Shop | Pre-made terrains |✯ Starting on 5$

    Hebara's Terraforming Shop Here in this Shop you can purchase for my new pre-made maps, warzones or anything. In the future will be a lot of variety, so at the moment I am uploading some certain content. The next following maps can be purchased on sellfy or if you don't want to pay via sellfy...
  2. Hebara

    Terrain Map (Volcano,mountains,plains) for $2.5 !!

    Hello MC-Marcket people! I'm selling a normal map made with WorldMachine, WorldPainter and VoxelSniper; with many details... It was one of the first maps that I started making about terraforming and i had it for a server that did not pay me. Details: -Map 500 x 500 blocks -Important details...
  3. Hebara

    Focus Terrain Art | Terraforming Studio | Design, create, innovate your ideas

    ⛰️️️️️️ Personal experience: ➤ Experience: I love my work as Terraformer: ➤ Customers and servers: Here you can see some of the servers or customers that I have worked on: Still adding more... Servers: Still adding more...[/SIZE][/CENTER] [/SPOILER] ➤ Render Artists: All the renders taken...
  4. Hebara

    [500x500] Perfect Dunes! Nice PVP or spawn area 2.5$ LAST OFFER!!

    Hello MC-Marcket people! I'm selling an island map made with WorldMachine, WorldPainter and VoxelSniper; with many details... Details: -Map 500 x 500 blocks -Important details: Added many kind of each type of trees (oak, jungle and fir) Added custom desert and default mountains generation...
  5. Hebara

    ]500 x 500] Desert, Mesa and Forest Hills (Mixed together and very detailed!) 2.5$ LAST OFFER!!

    Hello MC-Marcket people! I'm selling an island map made with WorldMachine, WorldPainter and VoxelSniper; with many details... Details: -Map 500 x 500 blocks -Important details: Added many kind of each type of trees (oak, jungle and fir) Added custom mesa and default mountains generation...
  6. Hebara

    [1k x 1k] Frost Island Terraforming (Mountains and cliffs) 3.5$ LAST OFFER!

    Hello MC-Marcket people! I'm selling an island map made with WorldMachine, WorldPainter and VoxelSniper; with many details... Details: -Map 1000 x 1000 blocks -Important details: Added many kind of each type of trees (oak and fir) Added custom snow mountains generation. Added island...
  7. Hebara

    [1k x 1k] MEGA ISLAND (Detailed forests, mountains and plains)

    Hello MC-Marcket people! I'm selling an island map made with WorldMachine, WorldPainter and VoxelSniper; with many details... Details: -Map 1000 x 1000 blocks -Important details: Added many kind of each type of trees (birch, oak and fir) Added custom snow mountains generation. Added island...
  8. Hebara

    Island with cliffs, mountains and trees [500 x 500] 3$ LAST OFFER!!

    Hello MC-Marcket people! I'm selling an island map made with WorldMachine, WorldPainter and VoxelSniper; with many details... (Details: Cliffs, mountains and many types of trees) Map 500 x 500 blocks This map don't have any structure but its a good map for Build something epic with many free...