Hebara's Terraforming Shop
Here in this Shop you can purchase for my new pre-made maps, warzones or anything.
In the future will be a lot of variety, so at the moment I am uploading some certain content.
The next following maps can be purchased on sellfy or if you don't want to pay via sellfy...
Hello MC-Marcket people!
I'm selling a normal map made with WorldMachine, WorldPainter and VoxelSniper; with many details...
It was one of the first maps that I started making about terraforming and i had it for a server that did not pay me.
-Map 500 x 500 blocks
-Important details...
⛰️️️️️️ Personal experience:
➤ Experience:
I love my work as Terraformer:
➤ Customers and servers:
Here you can see some of the servers or customers that I have worked on:
Still adding more...
Still adding more...[/SIZE][/CENTER]
➤ Render Artists:
All the renders taken...
Hello MC-Marcket people!
I'm selling an island map made with WorldMachine, WorldPainter and VoxelSniper; with many details...
-Map 500 x 500 blocks
-Important details:
Added many kind of each type of trees (oak, jungle and fir)
Added custom desert and default mountains generation...
Hello MC-Marcket people!
I'm selling an island map made with WorldMachine, WorldPainter and VoxelSniper; with many details...
-Map 500 x 500 blocks
-Important details:
Added many kind of each type of trees (oak, jungle and fir)
Added custom mesa and default mountains generation...
Hello MC-Marcket people!
I'm selling an island map made with WorldMachine, WorldPainter and VoxelSniper; with many details...
-Map 1000 x 1000 blocks
-Important details:
Added many kind of each type of trees (oak and fir)
Added custom snow mountains generation.
Added island...
Hello MC-Marcket people!
I'm selling an island map made with WorldMachine, WorldPainter and VoxelSniper; with many details...
-Map 1000 x 1000 blocks
-Important details:
Added many kind of each type of trees (birch, oak and fir)
Added custom snow mountains generation.
Added island...
Hello MC-Marcket people!
I'm selling an island map made with WorldMachine, WorldPainter and VoxelSniper; with many details... (Details: Cliffs, mountains and many types of trees)
Map 500 x 500 blocks
This map don't have any structure but its a good map for Build something epic with many free...
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