
  1. Cubic Studios

    Ores Expansion Vol 1 | Itemsadder v1.0.1

    55 New Ores in Itemsadder Features 77 new ores Installation Ensure you have the ItemsAdder plugin installed on your Minecraft server. Copy the contents of the downloaded ItemsAdder folder into the 'plugins/ItemsAdder' directory on your server. Restart your server to apply the changes...
  2. V

    RedstoneGuard - Fix Machine Lag v1.0.0

    RedstoneGuard is the ultimate solution to protect your server against lag-causing redstone MACHINES. 💎 FEATURES: • Smart detection of lag-causing redstone machines • Configurable limits for each redstone component • Chunk-based protection system • Piston control to prevent exploits • Staff...
  3. sfsf_

    RedstonePVP Map v1.1

    RedstonePVP Map with 4 Rank rooms , the map is pvp friendly
  4. 7

    Survival Mode Elevator v1.0

    Elevator made for survival/all game modes. Redstone creation. Works in any version. Prebuilt at 6 floors. Upgradable, can add floors, just follow the pattern of the design. Has labeling to show what is what. Enjoy!
  5. LinsaFTW

    FlamePaper | High Performance v2.0.4

    FlamePaper is the best high-performance Paper 1.8.8 fork that includes Java 21 support, a ton of optimizations, and memory usage reduction. FlamePaper's main purpose is to achieve high-performance by optimizing stuff synchronously instead of just making everything asynchronous. This ensures...
  6. andrzej_pl

    RedstoneLimit - Perfect Redstone Limiter v4.0

    RedstoneBlocker is an advanced plugin for Minecraft servers that allows administrators to completely block the functionality of redstone in designated areas or the entire server. This powerful tool enables full control over redstone functionality, eliminating any potential issues related to...

    Redstone Set | Oraxen config v1.2

    Tools and weapons that every true redstone player need. Complete drag and drop Oraxen configuration. Redstone Sword Redstone Pickaxe Redstone Axe Redstone Shovel Redstone Hoe Redstone Bow (pulling stages) Redstone Crossbow (pulling, loaded stages) Redstone Shield (blocking stage)
  8. Y

    I need a REDSTONE ENGINEER, to build me the HARDEST ESCAPE Minecraft Prison!

    I need a Minecraft Redstone Engineer to build me a very hard Minecraft prison, which is practically impossible to ESCAPE. If you would like to contact me about this, please dm Youn#0001 on discord or DM My TWITTER Account I am willing to pay prices from $50-150 dollars, and I have a HUGE tip...
  9. LinsaFTW

    RedstoneLimiter - Smart Redstone Limiter v0.0.6

    FIX REDSTONE LAG MACHINES RedstoneLimiter is the best plugin to fix redstone lag machines by limiting them. It offers a variety of limiters that apply to individual redstone blocks and chunks. Everything is configurable and works like a charm. RedstoneLimiter improves server performance and...
  10. SolDev

    | ⚡ Red Stone Builder ✔⚡ | Minecraft: PC&BEDROCK |

    ------------------------------------------ Lists ------------------------------------------ Normal 5$: for low builds like (redstone door bell, redstone 4x4 door, redstone 5x5 door) Medium 10$: for medium builds like (melt system, storage system, redstone doors 6x6) High 20$...
  11. Sharquisha

    [FREE] [1.8-1.16.4] VortexCannonProtection v1.2-RELEASE

    =*= VortexCannonProtection =*= Supporting Minecraft 1.8-1.16.4 VortexCannonProtection is a simple cannon protection plugin that provides various important features with amazing performance Features - Works out of the box. - Highly optimized. - (CONFIGURABLE) Whether or not to enable cannon...
  12. SolDev

    I Will Build Your Redstone Ideas for 5$

    Hey I’m Redstoner And I’m pro I can make you a lot of things like aircraft and door bell anything you imagine and this for 5$ only Discord Username: SolDeveloper#7124
  13. HandGlide

    Clout Survival - HermitCraft based

    SMP Server Hosted by Molten Studios Hello everyone, I would love for you all to join our SMP server that's hosted by Molten Studios. It is very easy to join and requires no addition requirements to join. All you have to do is join the discord and have fun with us This SMP is a Hermit-Craft...
  14. Diz

    ✨StellarSpigot✨ (Recoded TNT, Outperforms Wine, Entities, Hoppers, Spawners, etc) [$150 | 1.8.8]

    StellarSpigot Vs WineSpigot StellarSpigot Vs HyperionSpigot Comparison of Stellar vs. Elapsed vs. Bestle StellarSpigot Latest Update! StellarSpigot is one of our best spigot to date, hence it being labeled as our enterprise level spigot. Many features of spigot have been completely...
  15. Jabber

    Configuring red stone/pistons in game

    Hello, I recently started a Factions server and have noticed that lots of people are taking advantage of the zero tick cactus farms and selling like 100 stacks of cactus to shops within 10 minutes. I don't like the idea of having zero tick in the game and was wondering if there was a way to...
  16. bZx

    >>> NEVER SEEN IN MINECRAFT - ✨Lasers Enigma✨<<<

    This plugin is the result of 1 year of work from an experienced professional developer. It's something no one have ever seen in Minecraft. The main concept is about creating, solving and sharing puzzles based on light. But it is also meant to be used in RPG, adventures, dungeons, minigames...
  17. Blackhawks8872

    Building ANY Structure Maximum Complete Time Is About 1 Month

    Building Any Structure In Minecraft, From Houses To Redstone ContraptionsMax Wait Time Can Be Upto 1 Month! Paypal Accepted Discord Me What Build You Need:8872××#0145 Thanks! ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️
  18. Rocket Designs

    Redstone not working NEED HELP

    So basically here is my issue. When i load a regular spigot.jar onto my server redstone works fine. But i dont wanna use spigot, i wanna use paper spigot, but theres an issue with that! When i load paper spigot redstone wont power dispensers like there supposed to be. If you put 2 dispensers...
  19. Ellie

    YouTuber to make a survival series in our survival PLOT server.

    Hello all, We recently launched our creative server but we're trying to now promote our survival world too, we are looking for youtubers that would be able to make a survival series in this world. Info: - World is plot based for claiming and also makes it a challenge, plots start at 205x205 but...
  20. P

    Paid Positions Open for Builders/Terraformers

    Hello, We are a company that is looking to have a 1000x1000 map for minecraft PE (windows 10 edition). Most of the development can be done the same as the PC version, however some manual work is required to adapt it to the PE format. We currently have open positions as follows: Terraformers -...