
  1. Vinchex

    Vouchers v1.0

    This plugin allows you to create vouchers which if you give it to someone they will be able to claim something by right clicking Commands: /vouchers /vouchers create <voucher> | vouchers.create /vouchers rename <voucher> <newName> | vouchers.name /vouchers menu | vouchers.menu /vouchers...
  2. toxly

    MCodes - Ultimate Custom Code Plugin v1.0

    MCodes – The Ultimate Custom Code Plugin for Minecraft Servers MCodes is the perfect plugin for server admins looking to create custom codes that can be redeemed by players for exclusive rewards, perks, or access. With MCodes, you can easily create commands like /code vip, /code start, or any...
  3. Matekiss29

    BoongleVouchers v1.0

    BoongleVouchers - Free Vouchers Plugin 2024 Commands: /vouchers give <playername> <amount> <item> <command> Gives a Voucher to the player! /vouchers remove <playername> Remove all vouchers from a Player. /vouchers reload (Reload the Plugin Configuration) /vouchers transfer <playername1>...
  4. UhTrevor

    Vouchers v1.1.0

    Vouchers Skript A well done vouchers skript • Easy to Use • Quick Support • Customizable Support For support please visit - https://discord.gg/FufGJb7yT6 The discord also offers help for skripts I don't make or general skript help. Dependencies all of the dependencies are on the tab but...
  5. timsixth

    T-Vouchers v2.2.3

    Description: Plugin to create custom vouchers. Due to this plugin you can create custom vouchers in vouchers.yml (Example in spoiler of name vouchers.yml). You can add a lot of enchants,name,lore to voucher. You can create colored messages in config and set name and lore of voucher in color. In...
  6. Tecqq

    RandomVouchers v1.1

  7. Fusionhub

    ⚡Fusion Skins ⚡Personal Skins ⚡100+ Animated Skins ⚡

    https://builtbybit.com/resources/fusion-skins.35539/ Description Entertain your players with personal skins! We have designed a skins menu that changes the texture of the, item your holding and keeping its data on texture changes! So let say I change my diamond pickaxe to a skin I want well...
  8. Fullpage

    Giftcards for Tebex v1.3

    Manage Tebex giftcards directly on your minecraft server! What you need: A Tebex account with api key to insert into your config.yml Commands: » /giftcards help - Shows this page » /giftcards give <player> <type> - Gives player a physical giftcard item to redeem » /giftcards add <player>...
  9. DeOpping

    DeltaVouchers v2.0.2

    Be sure to read our conduct before purchasing! View our wiki to see everything the plugin has to offer! From help creating vouchers to viewing all the default configuration files!
  10. S

    Vouchers config

    Hey, I'm running a smooth faction server and need a configuration for vouchers. if u are up for the job and want to earn some easy money, dm me in discord SirBanana#3531. price can be discussed.
  11. extremall

    AdvancedKits v1.18.28

    If you have PayPal buy on SpigotMC for only 13.95 EUR. Test the Plugin Before You Buy! ✪ IP: test.extremall.xyz Please avoid using Forge/Fabric/LiteLoader/WorldDownloader clients. The test server is safeguarded by the SecuredWorlds plugin. Join now and experience firsthand the...
  12. mjavery9

    Discord Setup's Free Vouchers! 4/4

    What I offer: I offer a full discord setup, (Roles, Permissions, Bots, Channels, etc.). The discord setup will be fully customized and will not have a setup bot be used at all. I will make sure it is designed to your liking, and that you are 100% satisfied with the outcome. Experience: I have...
  13. K

    =====>Plugin Shop

    Hello I am willing to do any small plugin for vouches I need to get my rep up on MCM post your discord or pm me any free small plugin you want developed. These plugins would not be huge as of those would be paid projects but I am very new to Mc-Market because a friend introduced me to it and I...
  14. 21Callcops


    Hi, is there a plugin that allows you to gain a random item from a coupon/voucher? I have tried Vouchers but that did not work. Pleaseeee message me if you know any plugin that does this - DISCORD: callum#2448
  15. BakedPotatoes101

    Vouchers add on need help

    Hello, I am using the plugin vouchers ( https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/vouchers.13654/ ) The problem is when you get it you can just freely apply it. What I want is that when you click it a verification appears that says Are you sure you want to redeem this rank if so click again, Another...
  16. Wolfy_Snipes12331

    -=-Wolfy's Config Shop-=-

    Prices: $0.30 - mini config $0.60 - small config $1 - medium config $5 - large config $10 - EXTRA large config FREE - For any size for vouches Contact me: Discord: Wolfy_Snipes#7819 Email: [email protected] I also will be doing giveaways for free configs
  17. X

    5 Free Plugins! Making plugins for Voucher! 4/5 Left!

    Hey there, I'm trying to build up my reputation with vouchers, so i'm giving away 5 plugins to who ever wants them. P.M Me with the details on the plugin you want, and i will make it.