
  1. saxion

    Website design for servers!

    Hello, my name is Saxion and I am a website creator/designer. I create websites for a decent price and if you aren't willing to pay $150 for xenforo I have something very special for you. A lot of people do not have $150 for the xenforo liscense but I do, I have a lot of money. I used to...
  2. kojoti

    Help! XenForo Chat by Siropu install!

    Title :)
  3. CSS3_

    N.G Development & Design | Lowest Prices | Exclusive Tools | Quick Turnaround

    Portolio: (site version is down)
  4. Foximeme

    Foximeme's Server Administration | Free Website Included

    Hey guys, I have decided to put my adequate administration and server setup skills to the test and sell them.
  5. Titan27

    >>CLICK ME<< Startup Community - Enjin | HTML | Portal | XenForo | PHP >>CLICK ME<<

    Do you need a new website? Maybe you even need advertisement, a new logo and a professional looking video intro? We can help you with all that and more! This is some of the services we provide: Advertisement Enjin Website Development Enjin Extra Website Development HTML Pages Website...
  6. they

    Forum Site

    I am selling a forum site with 26 members and little advertising done. There is a chat box and pre-imposed ranks, there are also trial ranks. If you are interested contact me , I want to sell it for 33$ (negotiable) URL: http://talkcode.org/ Contact Skype- morganbpage1 Or DM me on MCM "they...
  7. they

    Selling A Forum Site

    I am selling a forum site with 26 members and little advertising done. There is a chat box and pre-imposed ranks, there are also trial ranks. If you are interested contact me and I will link you to the site if you are a legitimate buyer, I want to sell it for 43$ (negotiable) Contact Skype-...
  8. they

    Selling A Forum Site

    I am selling a forum site with 26 members and little advertising done. There is a chat box and pre-imposed ranks, there are also trial ranks. If you are interested I want to sell it for 43$ (negotiable) Contact Skype- morganbpage1 Or DM me on MCM "they dont want you to win" - DJ KHALED
  9. J

    Requesting Professional Web developer For A Permanent and Paid Position On Curiosity

    Hey guys, Dave here, before Curiosity's grand opening we will need our website developed. We are looking for a skilled individual who is up to the task. After web development you do not end there, you will be managing the website, updating and monitoring everyone. Remember this is a paid...
  10. T

    Basic Xenforo Help Needed!

    Hello I currently need a person that can do a few easy tasks for me. I was paying a guy to make my website but he bailed and didn't complete. he was using xenforo. i need just a few things done. you will get access to xenforo control panel. if i pick you i will contact you and tell you the...
  11. LavaBucket

    Xenforo designer

    NEW THREAD: http://www.mc-market.org/threads/77420/ Sorry for the inconvenience
  12. TrentFisher6

    OPAsylum - OP Prison Server Template [$40 BIN]

    Done, move on :)
  13. T

    Need XenForor designer ASAP1

    Server forum designer thread Hello I am currently making a factions server and am almost done doing so. but all minecraft servers need a forum page. i am looking for some one that has some experience and also owns the software Xenforo because xenforo designed forums look great. I am willing to...
  14. TheBanapple

    Website Development | Affordable | Professional | Portals | Personal Pages

    Interested in your own website? Ask me today! Skype: TheBanapple Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.thebanapple.com
  15. tall__kidd

    Requesting Xenforo Designer

    Hello, my name is Tall__kidd. Let's get down to what I am asking of. I have a Xenforo forums; however, I am still new to the "design" aspect of it, and find it hard to make it look professional, to my standards. I would like my forums to stand out from the rest, while still maintaining...
  16. NucleiDev

    [FREE] TheHolyNucleus' Web Designs and Development (Portals, Forum Setups, etc.)

    Hey everyone, I will be providing everyone with free (Donations are welcome :)) web designs and developments just because of the fact that I want to learn and also add work to my portfolio. All you have to do is provide me with information on how you want the website to look like/function and...