
  1. j0n4s

    Do I need a XenForo configurator

    I need a XenForo configurator that makes a forum the way I need it. I will list the details, what I need and should be done. I'm waiting for you to contact me via discord so we can talk better and you can give me a quote :) My discord: kauannn1
  2. Synapse-Themes

    Tempesta - Premium Dark XenForo 2 Theme v.1.0.2

  3. Layered

    Looking to buy a XenForo license

    Hey, I'm looking to buy a XenForo license, does not need to have active support but needs to have the ability to renew. No budget, seller must provide verification token (this) Add me on Discord Layered
  4. Compi

    Selling Steam Deck Community, a fully fledged Steam Deck Forum! Running Xenforo, custom theme and logo

    I'm selling my Forum Steam Deck Community. It's running on Xenforo. We have our own custom-made logo and stylesheet. Access it here: https://steamdeck.community/ Proof of ownership: https://steamdeck.community/sell.txt The domain and everything to it is included. BIN: 200$ MIN. BID: 75$ I...
  5. AlfreDGR

    I am looking for a developer for Xenforo or someone with experience

    Good morning, I am creating a xenforo page and I need help with some issues, for example, with the issue of putting it on the marketplace with commissions and some extras that I would like to include. NOTICE payments will not be made until the work is done.
  6. W

    price of licence for xenforo CMS?

    Does anyone sell a licensed account for xenforo? How much? Price? I don't have the money now, I want to start saving to buy it.
  7. Fyrezz

    HIRING Dev for simple BungeeCord plugin to hook with XenForo 2

    Hi, We're looking for a dev probably for long term but at first we would hire one project. If it goes well we can negotiate a flat hour and you can join our team. What we need is the following: - Simple BungeeCord plugin that allows to /webregister <email> <password> to create a XenForo 2...
  8. Orochimaru

    [FREE] NamelessMC & Xenforo Setup

    Need your namelessmc/xenforo website to be configured? Contact me at: Orochimaru#9606 or message me onsite. Currently offering: Theme installs Category setup Permissions Editing a themes header/footer Simple modifications to themes/ more can be done if paid.
  9. limenw

    Custom XenForo Theme (PAYING)

    Looking for Xenforo designers for custom Minecraft server theme. Deadline: 15 April 2023 For further details please contact from Discord: Mirhan#9659
  10. Senux

    Selling XenForo License ($60)

    Hello, i'm selling a XenForo 2 License, since I don't need it anymore. Purchased Date: Aug 15, 2020 I accept Crypto, PayPal My discord is senux#0001
  11. A

    Selling XenForo License

    License details: Desired fee: 140$ Who is the first licensee: I am the first to purchase. Does the license have an invoice: Yes, it has an invoice. Is it transferable: Yes, it can be transferred Connected domain: Domain not added. Is ticket support active: Yes, there is ticket support. Latest...
  12. Swqpping

    Selling XenForo License ($70)

    Hello, i'm selling a XenForo 2 License, since I don't need it anymore. Purchased Date: Mar 15, 2022 Support and Updates until: Mar 15, 2023 I accept Crypto, PayPal, and Card (Stripe) My discord is Swqpping#2020
  13. B

    Selling Xenforo Lisence NEW LİSENCE

    I bought it last night, more than $160, no domain added, no version selection made price100$
  14. xAntho_ny

    Free Xenforo Setups

    I am giving free xenforo forums setup for the first 5 people who comment on this post. And the completion will be added to my portfolio.
  15. MadeInEurope

    [VOUCHED] MadeInEurope's Forum Setups ✨ Cheap | Professional | Fast ✨ Make a difference from others!

    XENFORO FORUM SETUPS | MAKE A DIFFERENCE FROM OTHERS! Hello there, my name is Teodor and I'm a forums specialist. I will make an amazing looking forum based on your needs, timing and expectations. I will also provide you with full support and advice during the commission and as well teach you...
  16. Johnn

    Siro - XenForo 2 Theme SWITCH COLOR v1.0

    ANNOUNCE! IF YOU WANT TO BUY THIS RESOURCE Contact us on Discord: Johnn#8299 or email us at [email protected] LIGHT MODE DARK MODE [/SPOILER] FEATURES Quick Customization ( 60+ options ) Custom Basket Custom Category & Products Custom Navbar / Sidebar & Header menu Custom...
  17. PongGone

    Looking For Experienced Xenforo/Tebex Website Designer

    Hello, I am looking for someone to change my current Minecraft Server website (Enjin Based) and make it look professional > Example: https://www.Skycade.net (Credit: DubDesigns) Looking for someone with skills around these platforms: Xenforo NamelessMC BuyCraft (tebex) Looking for serious...
  18. Larvvy


    Hey everyone! I'm looking for someone that can make a XenForo addon according to our needs, of course, I will pay. If you're interested message me on discord Larvvy#1873
  19. MrVibe

    Aether | Liber XenForo Style v1.0

    Some facts before you download the theme. 1. RGB Color: (255,255,255) 2. 255x255x255 = 16581375 3. Thrashers go away from the comments. 4. MrVibe is cool asf. Looking for support/custom design? Join My Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/bamGRM9s27 Addon Support: EWR-XenPorta 2 The...