This is probably not a request people get often, but I am in need of someone who can move my current Xenforo theme (PIE) to NamelessMC. I understand that you will not need to recreate the theme, but just change some code around to make it work. I am looking at spending around $10-15 on...
NOTE: I am the manager of xSyke Setups and manage the ticketing system as well as advertisement of these services. I am not the freelancer for the projects.
^^ Click thread to join the discord server! ^^
Hello, my name is Harvey and i am 13 wahoo! i started setting up Xenforo websites sense i was 10, i have a lot of experience with website development, and Xenforo. here are my offers!
* Regular instillation $10: does not include MYSQL or web hosting, i will not install plugins or theme, made...
Hello all,
I'm currently seeking a Xenforo developer. I'm looking for someone proficient in web development who has experience specific with Xenforo. Please have a portfolio example(s) ready before contacting! Much appreciated.
The following is completed:
Xenforo setup and functional.
I have a just renewed XenForo License. I'm selling it for 140$, but we may be able to negotiate a cheaper price. Struggling on money and I need to get this sold. Thanks!
If I don't respond on here please DM me on Discord.
'OG |...
I offer websites and xenforo setups
* xenforo custom theme
* xenforo pre-made theme
* tebex (buycraft) custom theme
* litebans custom (matching forum design)
* custom websites
and more.
I do a lot more than just adding a design, I add "easter eggs" (optional)...
Hi there! Welcome to my shop. I have come here advertising my XenForo setups to be sold.
Basic Site Setup (Installation, forum nodes) $10
Normal Site Setup (All of basic + theme and 3 add-ons) $25
The whole package (all of normal + ranks and unlimited add-ons) $50
In certain...
As opposed to other popular widely-used forum frameworks such as MyBB, vBulletin, phpBB, etc., XenForo by default calls posts "Messages" and calls threads "Discussions".
Do you ever see anyone say "Message a discussion"? No. Everyone will always say "Post a thread". It is the widely accepted...
Hi guys I hope this is the right section.
First of all do I need a xenforo lisence to run under a xenforo host?
Secondly What hosts do you recommend for a minecraft website?
Thank you I will check comments
I have been trying to use my web host to create a Xenforo website (I have already tried uploading all the Xenforo files and changing "0755" to "0777" on some of the folders), but the website doesn't seem to work. I do not know much about setting up website and don't know what the issue...
Summer Splash Sale
Howdy, I've decided to reduce my rates for Summer to anyone wishing to give their server a fresh splash of paint for their community.
New Rates:
XenForo Themes - ~ $110 (usually from $200 - save 45% / $90)
Tebex Themes - ~ $55 (usually from $80 - save 31% / $25)
Shoot me a...
I am looking for a developer that would be able to make me a vote page for my already existing website.
I have the PIE XenForo theme, but would like to add a vote subpage that's matching to the rest of the website.
If it's something you can make, please hmu with offers.
Hey, i want a new skin for my website, i want a same website
but i want this for mineweb and xenforo together
You have offer? send me a pm!
Discord: TehFanatagag#6996
Hey boys and girls, Anyone interested in a XenForo 1.5.x Hytale theme :) ?
Price: $80
Payment: PayPal
Style Demo: http://hytale.epizy.com/
With resell rights
Template give ability to change all colors just with one code!
To report a bug, give a suggestion, or if you have a question you can address the issue on discord server: https://discord.io/rezzomc ( DM to receive CUSTOMER RANK )
✔ Animated Logo
✔ Navigation...
Howdy everyone, I'm getsmoked.
I am a freelancer in the development field. My skills include, but are not limited to, Spigot Plugin Development, Extensive Plugin Configurations, Server Setups, Xenforo Setups, and most importantly; rolling blunts.
I'm eager to become a reputable member of...
Hello, I am the Public Relations Manager of Rust Minecraft (RustMC), and we are looking for someone to set-up our XenForo forum website.
Our website is Rustminecraft.com
Please reply here or message Neph#4017 or Liberty#4715 if interested.
Hi, this website will be for a minecraft server that i have up but need to create a website for it. I have purchased a Xenforo license and a Xenporta license for announcements and i have bought a domain and have a web hosting service already up. all i need is for someone to create a theme for...
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