
  1. Shaun

    [CoralDev] Forums vs. Ghost, what's better for your Minecraft Server?

    Hey y'all, https://coraldev.net is a Minecraft plugins development team. As part of the website we're running a blog where we'll post opinions, tutorials, and analysis on running a modern Minecraft server in 2021. We plan to be pretty active on this blog, publishing at least 5 posts a month. I...
  2. U

    Tebex / Xenforo user upgrade link

    Hi, I am looking for someone who can create a link between a Tebex(enterprise) shop and a Xenforo forum. More specific; I need that Tebex tells the Xenforo forum to update a user his user-groups. Paid project, amount will be discussed upon contact. Contact me on Discord: Steven#3173
  3. Bronze

    Xenforo & Tebex Custom Theme

    We are looking for a nice and clean custom Xenforo & Tebex theme that will intergrate with each other. Please contact me via Discord @ Bronze#0001
  4. R


    Hello I am looking for someone to create me a website design/theme the successful candidate/team will have full knowledge and successful work beforehand. I do not have discord if people could send me a email with links/prices Email address: [email protected] Thanks
  5. Jucey Drop

    XENFORO Ubuntu 16.04 Error

    Does any one know how to fix this error while installing ZipArchive for addons on xenforo? Error Below Cannot install from archive as not all required directories are writable. Various directories must be writable by the web server user to install from an archive. In addition to the XF root...
  6. Ronix Studios

    Orion Tebex Theme // Maintenance v1.0

  7. Ronix Studios

    Orion Xenforo Minecraft Theme vFixed Miner Bugs

    Litebans Added! Go to updates page for image. Demo: https://orion.citrusdesign.me
  8. DV8FromTheCode

    Looking for Website Manager

    I am looking for someone who can work on and maintain my Xenforo website including themes, plugins, etc. I will be paying for this service of course. You must be active and have a good reputation in order to be considered. I am hoping to have someone who can work long-term on this. You can...
  9. itslyn

    Odyssey - Affordable Xenforo 2 Theme v1.0

    Last update: 08/07/2020 Requirements A copy of XenForo is required for this theme to work. Imagery can be edited through the Templates section. To edit elements on the website, a basic understanding of XenForo and HTML/CSS is recommended. Main Features - Custom Navigation Bar Click To...
  10. RezzoMC

    [XenForo 2] MATRIX | Premium Template | HQ | 30% SALES v1.0

    PREVIEW: Click To report a bug, give a suggestion, or if you have a question you can address the issue on discord server: https://cyvers.com/discord ✔ Animated Logo ✔ Navigation Menu ✔ Responsive on all Devices ✔ Clean Code ✔ Player Count ✔ IP Copy ✔ Installation Help ✔ Fast Support ✔...
  11. B

    Fully custom website (Forums & Leaderboards & Player stats) (Similar to VeltPvP & Lunar Network)

    The title explains it all, it's a fully custom forums system written in Python. It also features a player stats and leaderboards system which can be used easily with the correct plugins. It's made by me and was used on my server (clover.gg). I can provide pictures and more info for serious...
  12. A7U

    I will fully make you a forum using Xenforo

    Intro Hey, I'm A7U. I code Discord bots (JavaScript) and set up forums! Read further if you're interested Services Make a forum (Xenforo) Want to see all reviews I have? Check out my Fiverr: fiverr.com/a7u_seller Features Need examples? Check my Fiverr! Security Admin panel Various designs...
  13. MissIono

    Valiant Kingdoms | Server Bundle

    Valiant Kingdoms Included: - Domain - Xenforo w/ 2 Themes - HUGE Custom Spawn - Logos + Animated Icon for Discord NEVER used - NEVER branded - This server idea was never completed and never saw the light of day. Cost: - BUY: $650 USD or Best Offer Contact me @MissIono#2000 on discord for more...
  14. B

    XenForo Setup

    I am looking for someone to setup our xenforo groups, permissions, design and forum categories. I will like the forum to be like this one (Website is Paladium-PvP) with a different design. Payments will be made via paypal, budget is around $30
  15. L

    Xenforo/Tebex web designer.

    Hello everyone, I’m Lars from the MineGalaxy Minecraft network. I own this network together with my partner and we’re looking for someone who can help us by redesigning our forums website and our Tebex store. Those websites can be found at MineGalaxy.xyz and store.minegalaxy.xyz We’d really...
  16. magana10

    Custom (Xenforo + Buycraft) Server Website

    Looking For I'm looking for a developer to setup a Minecraft server website that has custom Xenforo and Buycraft themes integrated. Examples Here are website examples (wouldn't let me paste links directly) mineville(DOT)org orbitmc(DOT)net Contact Please reply to this post if this is...
  17. VNikos


  18. Joshua C

    ⭐$99.99⭐| Minecraft Server Bundle! | Xenforo/Nameless, Buycraft, Bans & more. [CUSTOM THEMES]

  19. ItzIndyNL

    [PAYING] Custom Xenforo Theme.

    Information: Looking for Xenforo Custom Theme. Duration: Until 25TH April. Server IP: soltix.rip Personal Information: Budget: EU €55,00 / USD €59,91 Discord: Indy#9888 Skype: Nope
  20. MrTricky

    Some website touch ups

    Hello, I'm currently the owner of www.minetoken.net and there are somethings that I need removed switched around, and fixed. There are just a few small touch ups, if your interested contact me on discord (Benn#9778). Thank you!