Hello I'm s1mplfy, I'm looking for a potential owner on the HCF Server I'm planning to create very soon (Teams)
I'm planning to do something like Lunar's, Velt's Teams Server If you're interested in owning here's some of the requirements
that you need to make so we can work it out
Has a lot of knowledge in making servers, just not a owner that's gonna pay and do nothing
Age 15+ Above
Common Sense
Has a good reputation
Can spend 20$/30$ Monthly to split Hosting mostly
If you're interested in this offer, just message me on this website thanks everyone
I'm planning to do something like Lunar's, Velt's Teams Server If you're interested in owning here's some of the requirements
that you need to make so we can work it out
Has a lot of knowledge in making servers, just not a owner that's gonna pay and do nothing
Age 15+ Above
Common Sense
Has a good reputation
Can spend 20$/30$ Monthly to split Hosting mostly
If you're interested in this offer, just message me on this website thanks everyone
- Type
- Requesting
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