Hello, my name is Ox8 and I am here to tell you about an idea I have had for a while now. I am thinking about making a website for advertising servers with both premium and freemium listings (free users would need to do something or watch an ad for 1 day free). A premium membership would be cheap (maybe 1.00 a month) and the higher rank you get, the more you unlock. I am looking for someone to fund the idea or help out with it (some people who have servers and would want to list it on the website). We would also need some moderators and helpers, as well as some community managers (community managers role would be big so it would be for mature people only!). If you would be interested in helping make this community or if you are a website developer who could offer free hosting, please let me know by either direct messaging me on here, or adding me on discord/skype! I look forward to looking with all people who may be interested!
On a side note, I would need someone who is also good at setting up the layout and all of that (like making it so people can add one IP per account and all of that). Also, I am considering having it so people can buy alts for a decent price (non full access and maybe some full access if we get enough people interested). If you are a company or anything related to Minecraft and its servers and would like to team up for this project, please let me know as I am currently open to ideas and suggestions, and could use some help
Update: I have found a web developer who was kind enough to give me very cheap reliable web hosting. I have decided to go with a alt selling website to start off, and if it gets popular I may add on. The site will be Ice-Alts.com We are aiming to have the site/shop up within a week. And I know your probably thinking " Why would I go with your site when there are so many other options? ". And my answer to that is " Because we are going to have very cheap alts, both premium and non premium, and we will give nothing but the best quality (we will restock often). With that being said, you will need to buy at least 5 each time because if you only bought 1 at a time, we would lose money because of Paypal fees and such. The prices have not yet been decided, but I can promise it will affordable.
On a side note, I would need someone who is also good at setting up the layout and all of that (like making it so people can add one IP per account and all of that). Also, I am considering having it so people can buy alts for a decent price (non full access and maybe some full access if we get enough people interested). If you are a company or anything related to Minecraft and its servers and would like to team up for this project, please let me know as I am currently open to ideas and suggestions, and could use some help
Update: I have found a web developer who was kind enough to give me very cheap reliable web hosting. I have decided to go with a alt selling website to start off, and if it gets popular I may add on. The site will be Ice-Alts.com We are aiming to have the site/shop up within a week. And I know your probably thinking " Why would I go with your site when there are so many other options? ". And my answer to that is " Because we are going to have very cheap alts, both premium and non premium, and we will give nothing but the best quality (we will restock often). With that being said, you will need to buy at least 5 each time because if you only bought 1 at a time, we would lose money because of Paypal fees and such. The prices have not yet been decided, but I can promise it will affordable.
- Yours truly Ox8
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