I will create a high quality discord server within the given time period or shorter. The server will include text and voice channels, categories, different bots, and much more. Once the server is completed, I will transfer ownership to your discord account on your server.
Why buy from me?High-quality servers
Fast response times on Discord
Free revisions until your server is completed
When am I online?
available 24/7
The server will have the following features: :
Best Rules in the best design
Moderation Bot + other important Bots
Music Bot
AFK channel
Self-assignable roles
Locked channels for mods, staff, and owner only
Temp channel Bot
Support Ticket System
Even more advanced, highest security from anti-spam and raids
Verification system
Member count stats
IF you have any questions about price , feel free to contact me on Discord : Shankii#0314
Terms and conditions:
I will make your discord server and once I get payment you will get the server set up and ready to go within 8 Hours!
What do I need from you:
What kind of Server you are trying to set up
An avatar and name for your server (Required)
What kind of channels you want (optional)
Any other requests.
- Type
- Offering
- Provided by
- Individual