Hello, I am deciding to make network - I want people who want to do well, I can build, config, and be a decent staff and I'm learning how to develop plugins. I need people who can be willing to build or configure plugins for servers. I am looking for around 20 staff for a server, each person has to be good at something, and they will be paid in that field, either a comission for each server or an upfront payment, I am looking for staff who will be wanting to get paid to do a good job, we will start with one server and release it and with the donations we will grow into more servers, after the first server I will start paying the high end staff who are doing the most influential, then later on I will pay everyone else.
Discord if interested - https://discord.gg/fgzRh5N we will contact you further. Thanks
Server IP (1.8.8, This is where we firstly test the staff) -
Discord if interested - https://discord.gg/fgzRh5N we will contact you further. Thanks
Server IP (1.8.8, This is where we firstly test the staff) -