Mr. M6 wants me to reconsider my actions on this forum for being a manager, getting money, and browsing the scam reports section. The whole reason I came here was to do work and get money.
This is not right and I won't just let it happen. He is abusing me for replying to a scam report and I don't like it. I was the manager for a graphics team, and one of our clients had created a scam report against one team member. The owner of the team received the upfront payment, and then the artist doing the project never finished - I was pitching in what I thought, because the problem concerned me.
MazdaGaming - oops, I mean "the mature" M6 - on the other hand, goes completely out of his way to say that I should reconsider my acts on this forum and that I am a "power-seeker" for being a manager and offering my services. WELL I WILL HAVE YOU KNOW THAT MOST OF MY BOSSES (INCLUDING WILL) HAVE CONTACTED ME to work for them. I didn't SEEK FOR POWER.
Alright? Alright. Here is my response:
Mr. M6 wants me to reconsider my actions on this forum for being a manager, getting money, and browsing the scam reports section. The whole reason I came here was to do work and get money.
This is not right and I won't just let it happen. He is abusing me for replying to a scam report and I don't like it. I was the manager for a graphics team, and one of our clients had created a scam report against one team member. The owner of the team received the upfront payment, and then the artist doing the project never finished - I was pitching in what I thought, because the problem concerned me.
MazdaGaming - oops, I mean "the mature" M6 - on the other hand, goes completely out of his way to say that I should reconsider my acts on this forum and that I am a "power-seeker" for being a manager and offering my services. WELL I WILL HAVE YOU KNOW THAT MOST OF MY BOSSES (INCLUDING WILL) HAVE CONTACTED ME to work for them. I didn't SEEK FOR POWER.
Alright? Alright. Here is my response:
- Firstly, I'd like to say that "manager" is a perfectly valid role - and I do not manage many teams. Please provide proof that I CURRENTLY manage MANY teams. I resigned from quite a few. PLEASE. PROVIDE PROOF.
- I never called for anyone to be bailed. When I say bailed, I mean that Will "left with the money."
- I am only responding with a claim that Will did indeed take the money and that he should be held accountable.
- I no longer manage the team, don't know why I should be banned as well. Will & Feedable were the only two people that were involved in this deal and I wasn't involved. I was just putting in my input (I also had talked to Feedable.)
- People who aren't involved with scam reports reply all the time - What do you mean by "I'd have to ask for you to step down from any contribution of future Scam Reports unless it involves you."
- I don't manage many teams, many people have said this and it really pisses me off. I have heard the claims before and I am sorry to say that I used to be. I have really cut down and haven't been managing very many servers/teams/people lately.
- I take pride in what I do as a management provider, and your reply really doesn't provide any proof that I am a "power-seeker" as you claim.
- Reconsider my actions on these forums? What, are you going to ban me for replying to a scam report? I am truly disappointed with this useless claim you have made against me.