Hello I am looking for a particles plugin for 1.13.2+
There are a few particle plugins out there but none of them do what I would like.
I am looking for a plugin to allow players to purchase a "package" if you would.
a "package" would consist of the trail particle, arrow particle, crit particle, and afk particle.
Now an example of each category is like this.
Let's say this is the "Love" package...
Trail: multiple hearts in a trail coming from the players feet.
Arrow particle: Particles following behind the arrow when shot off.
Crit particle: The particles given off of players or mobs when getting hit.
Afk particle is when a player is standing still for more than 3 seconds they get a ring around the player.
There will be a total of 8 packages needed made.
main command for this plugin is /Particles and help commands is /p help
I will need permissions setup just for each package.
There is no budget for this! let me know the cost and time frame.
add me on discord @ aSethy#7355
There are a few particle plugins out there but none of them do what I would like.
I am looking for a plugin to allow players to purchase a "package" if you would.
a "package" would consist of the trail particle, arrow particle, crit particle, and afk particle.
Now an example of each category is like this.
Let's say this is the "Love" package...
Trail: multiple hearts in a trail coming from the players feet.
Arrow particle: Particles following behind the arrow when shot off.
Crit particle: The particles given off of players or mobs when getting hit.
Afk particle is when a player is standing still for more than 3 seconds they get a ring around the player.
There will be a total of 8 packages needed made.
main command for this plugin is /Particles and help commands is /p help
I will need permissions setup just for each package.
There is no budget for this! let me know the cost and time frame.
add me on discord @ aSethy#7355
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