Hey Guys,
So, i will be selling a custom enchantments plugin based of the archon's plugin that i have viewed closely. this is the only plugin i have found which is an exact copy of thearchons version of custom enchantments.
Enchant List:
Blaze: Fire Resistance
Fish: Water Breathing
Tank: Combo's
Fighter: Same As theArchon's
Beast: Strength ( Configurable )
And Many More!
The Plugin Includes Versions For 1.7 - 1.8. And Versions without extra Dependancy's there are four in total.
For the Wings Enchant you will need a plugin called FactionsUUID because the flight ( Wings ) Enchant only works in claimed land and out of combat to make it balanced. ( optional Dependancy ).
There are no required dependancy's meaning the plugin can run on its own without any other kind of plugins. you will need to use spigot 1.7 - 1.9 for this plugin to work. all plugins have the version name in the file.
to purchase this plugin please contact me on skype at charlie.hepworth20 or reply to this thread and i will get back to you.
Best Regards,
HeppyPlayzMC - Charlie Hepworth ( Plugin Developer ).
So, i will be selling a custom enchantments plugin based of the archon's plugin that i have viewed closely. this is the only plugin i have found which is an exact copy of thearchons version of custom enchantments.
Enchant List:
Blaze: Fire Resistance
Fish: Water Breathing
Tank: Combo's
Fighter: Same As theArchon's
Beast: Strength ( Configurable )
And Many More!
The Plugin Includes Versions For 1.7 - 1.8. And Versions without extra Dependancy's there are four in total.
For the Wings Enchant you will need a plugin called FactionsUUID because the flight ( Wings ) Enchant only works in claimed land and out of combat to make it balanced. ( optional Dependancy ).
There are no required dependancy's meaning the plugin can run on its own without any other kind of plugins. you will need to use spigot 1.7 - 1.9 for this plugin to work. all plugins have the version name in the file.
to purchase this plugin please contact me on skype at charlie.hepworth20 or reply to this thread and i will get back to you.
Best Regards,
HeppyPlayzMC - Charlie Hepworth ( Plugin Developer ).