✦ Added 6 menu animations to switch between in the config.
✦ Worked on the error handling to help identify problems in the config with ease.
✦ Added variables: {players-online}, {players-max} which can be used in the rotator.
✦ Formatted config to be easier to navigate.
✦ Added the option to enable & disable menu hover animations.
✦ Added the option to enable & disable the IP box.
✦ Added the option to enable & disable the logo.
✦ Added the ability to switch between icon & image mode.
✦ Added the ability to enable & disable background.
✦ Added the ability to switch between different footers in the config.
✦ Added error messages when a layout type is not valid.
✦ Changed the config so that it is much easier to understand.
✦ Added a theme picker that saves when reloading the page.
✦ Changed the design of the copy IP button.
✦ Added a counting-up animation on the players online.
✦ Switched the API.
✦ The website should be compatible with every device.
✦ Added the ability to enable/disable particles in the config.
✦ Switched the animation for the rotating messages.
✦ Added the ability to change the speed of the rotating messages in the config.
✦ Reworked the entire page and removed unnecessary code.
✦ Added styling to the copy to clipboard button & popup.
✦ Created an admin panel with instructions on how to set it up.
✦ Added new animations to the loading screen.
✦ Redesigned social media element.
✦ Particles now have completely random colours.
✦ Added random colour generation to each link on hover.
✦ Page now fades in from the top when loaded.
✦ Loading circle now switches between random colours.
✦ Animated "Copied to Clipboard" popup.
✦ Cleaned up unnecessary code and files.
✦ Fixed page not scrolling down when adding more menu items.
✦ Updated background to interactable animated particles.
✦ Slightly changed styling (image attached).
✦ Added an information page.
✦ Optimised page for mobile and faster loading.
✦ Fixed JQuery functions.
✦ Added more configurable options in 'config.php'.
✦ Fixed page elements getting smaller on page resize.
✦ Made website more mobile friendly.
✦ Updated styling on the copy IP popup.