
  1. RivalDevelopment

    Rival Pickaxes v1.1.2

    Test Server IP: test.rivaldev.xyz
  2. BreadBuilds

    Nether Piglin Set v1.0

    Product information: Stunning armor set of Nether Piglin ready to suit you Nether Piglin Helmet Nether Piglin Chestplate Nether Piglin Leggings Nether Piglin Boots Nether Piglin Sword Nether Piglin Pickaxe Nether Piglin Shovel Nether Piglin Hoe Nether Piglin Axe Nether Piglin Bow Download...
  3. Minelc Builds

    Pickaxes Ores Buycraft | MINELCBUILDS v1.0

    DESIGN INFORMATION Image Size ➔2000x2000 FIle Format ➔ .zip with 4 png files inside
  4. NitroSetups

    ToolSkins Configuration v2.0.0

    Are you looking for something new and unique? ToolSkins is a unique NitroSetups configuration. Players can change the skin of their current Diamond or Netherite tool by clicking in a menu. This creates a fun element to the game as players can collect different skins and you as an owner can sell...
  5. jBlade_

    OceanusMC OP Prison (Established Server - NEW!) | Need Staff & Players!

    Introducing OceanusMC! Server IP: play.oceanusmc.com (Releasing soon!) Server Discord: Join Here! Staff Application link is posted in the Discord. For any further inquiries, please contact TigritoPlaysMC#1013 or joelnickel#1499. OceanusMC is an OP Prison server unlike any other server you've...
  6. TigritoPlaysMC

    OceanusMC | OP Prison (Established Server - NEW!) | Need Staff & Players!

    Introducing OceanusMC! Server IP: play.oceanusmc.com (Releasing soon!) Server Discord: Join Here! Staff Application link is posted in the Discord. For any further inquiries, please contact TigritoPlaysMC#0001 or Fantastic_Doge#0666. OceanusMC is an OP Prison server unlike any other server...
  7. keilyn

    Pickaxe Icons v1.0.0

    5 Stylish Pickaxe icons to use in your server's store! The download includes a non-watermark copy of the icons.
  8. Mike3132

    Mining Lasers v3.0

    About Mining Lasers is a plugin that I designed and made for my Enhanced Survival server on the Ragnarok Network. Customization Notice This plugin has been on spigot for a few months now. I just recently decided to upload it here. Features: Plugin prefix can be changed. Comes with a custom...
  9. KudaXD

    1.12.2 Custom Server Texture Pack (Pickaxe Skins, Custom Keys, etc)

    Hey there, I was wondering if you are able to make a custom server texture pack with pickaxe skins, custom crate key skins for each rarity of key, etc? If so, can someone lmk how or does anyone create packs? Shoot me a DM KudaXD#4444
  10. Server Incubator


    Greetings! I want to show you guys my brand new Prison Setup. Best of this setup: Crystals Pouches 3D Crates Armors Custom Shops Pickaxe Upgrades Extras Full Support Resell Rights The Spawn and some images VIDEO ABOUT THE FULL SERVER Through this link you can download a...
  11. Server Incubator


    Greetings! I want to announce my brand new Extremely Custom Prison Setup. There is a Miner Backpack feature , like in MCPrison, and Custom Armors & Armor Shards, Key Backpacks which has Deposit + Withdraw feature. While mining, players can get different armor shards, beacons (for cell top) and...

    SimpleBlockRegen v0.2.4

    Img, Gifs & Reviews Regeneration Random (Premium version) SimpleBlockRegen was made from the beginning for free because I don't have the time to dedicate and add new features every day, I can only fix bugs and add some features from time to time if I have the time. I...
  13. PixelMine

    Prison Pickaxe Icons v1.0

    High quality Pickaxe themed Rank icons for any Prison Minecraft server shop, use them all or a selection.
  14. iSunshine

    MC Icon Server

    Hello, I'm selling today the icon of my Minecraft server, Aquarri The theme of the icon is aquatic. So the main letter is A A character is in the background, holding a pickaxe In the background, we put fish, seaweed, bubbles ... Please add me on Discord if you want to see it more clearly...
  15. Crisps

    Trenching Pickaxe

    Hello all! I'm sure this has been requested before but im interested in having a configurable trenching pickaxe plugin preferably 3x3 - 7x7. I am also willing to pay for this plugin.
  16. 21Callcops

    Pickaxe leveling

    Hey! I am looking for a custom OR an existing plugin that gives everyone one pickaxe that they can not loose, and it would level up in certain regions by mining ores. The pickaxe would display their name and level like : PLAYER'S PICKAXE ( LVL 5 ). The different levels would upgrade their...
  17. TigritoPlaysMC

    ParadiseMC | OP Prison & Skyblock | Needs Staff | New Economy

    Introducing ParadiseMC! Server IP: play.paradisemc.xyz (Released - Skyblock coming soon!) Server Discord: https://discord.gg/tvpewrG Staff Applications: https://apply.paradisemc.xyz/ ParadiseMC is an OP Prison server unlike any other server you've seen before. Here at ParadiseMC, we strive to...
  18. Anvity


    The test server has been changed. The NEW IP is: play.prison.anvity.net
  19. n8ful

    Quick Question about Prison Pickaxes

    Currently, I am using CommandItems to attach the command that opens my DeluxeMenu for enchanting. The only issue is that EssentialsX kits don't allow for custom items, so when you do /kit <kitname>, you don't get the pickaxe that has the command. The issue with CommandItems is that it doesn't...
  20. Symthinical

    Pickaxe Leveling system

    Hey, I'm basically looking for a plugin which levels up pickaxe basically like PickaxeUpgrades / LevelTools Reason i'm not using that is due to it's newest update doesn't work with worldguard and the way its laid out is not useful for me Heres an example The leveltools spigotmc link is...