
  1. yazon_pro

    ProPrisonsPickaxe Core 18+ Enchants! charity Enchant (NEW)

    Hey, i am selling a Pickaxe Core, this Plugin is skript, tested the plugin on my server with big player base 100+ players, it was smooth and runing just fine! https://gyazo.com/7cbbb4fcf70fd5899a4ee6bb4eb9a638 https://gyazo.com/d8d59dcbaa260f4708f02e2b9c95a805 ► Features: These are the...
  2. xPenguinx

    TrayPicks [3x3, 5x5, 7x7, 9x9, 11x11] - FactionsUUID / MassiveCore ONLY

    TrayPick Description: This pickaxe is very similar to a trench/shockwave pickaxe. It will break all dirt and netherrack in a certain radius. This is very useful to mine your trays down which is very annoying to do! Here is a quick gif on how the pickaxe works...
  3. ThatGuyWhoCooks


    I am selling a tray pickaxes plugin (Configurable) (You may pay extra for source code) (I have a test server if needed) lb5#7926
  4. children

    [SKRIPT] Custom PickaxeSell | GREAT for a Donator Perk (NOW FREE) v1.0.5FIX

    I will no longer be maintaining this plugin so I have decided to put it for free. What it does: This skript allows you to Sell while right-clicking a Diamond pickaxe. More Pickaxes Will be added in the future and a more user-friendly skript. Permissions: sell.(shop) Dependencies: Skript 2.2...
  5. Glitch

    Free Profile Pictures | LostCreations GFX Designer

    Hello People of McM, I will be doing free profile pictures for you to use in exchange for a vouch and rep x3 If your interested. Contact me on Skype: Skype: LostCreations Want to see my portfolio? Click here! (Only me are yet in there xd) https://lostcreations.carbonmade.com/
  6. LavaBucket

    Shockwave Pickaxe Skript

    So I am trying to make a shockwave skript for users, due to there is not any good ones out there but I am trying to use the "Radius event" but it makes extra holes, in the floor and walls & annoys users. Some pictures are provided below: Makes this...
  7. H

    $3 Infusion 3x3x3 Pickaxe Mining plugin!

    Infusion This plugin is a very simple, lightweight,100 line of code, easy to use and customizable 3x3x3 mining plugin! What it does When you are holding a diamond pickaxe with the item lore "Infusion Pickaxe" in your hand every block you mine will mine a 3x3x3 radius around it, this is...
  8. MasterianoX

    [AUCTION] HQ 3D Pickaxe Model

    Hello, everybody! After being scammed by Boxman Caleb or boxmancaleb (that is his skype, I don't know his MC Market profile name), I need to sell the models I made for him. In the middle of production he found a new modeller, but didn't bother to tell me and just let me finish the whole order...