
  1. Broken_HMS

    Marine Guideon v1.0

    USMC Guideon Includes: • High Quality Guideon Staff and Flag • Three Different Variants • Present Arms • Order Arms • Quick-time These custom model guideons can be used for any U.S. Navy or Marine Corps unit. Credit to dusek. NON-SCRIPTED PRODUCT
  2. Broken_HMS

    M81 Cold Weather Jacket v1.0

    Includes: • M81 Cold Weather Jacket This custom modeled jacket can be used for any U.S. Military group staged in the late 90s, early 2000s. SCRIPTED PRODUCT
  3. Broken_HMS

    Middle Eastern FOB v1.0

    A Realistic Middle Eastern FOB Comes with Medical Bay - For Medical RP can add extra indepth detail to your RP Firing Range - For training inside of the FOB and refreshing your skill Helicopter Pads Main Gate & Security Towers around the base For any questions open a ticket
  4. Broken_HMS

    Outskirts of Zinder, Niger v1.0

    13k x 13k sized map Rare Modded R6 ACS Grenades and Bomb system Range of towns and gear Range of guns and rpgs custom humvees for UN & Blufor vehicles and armored terrorist trucks great opfor gear & blufor gear custom pbr hand made terrain Zinder, formerly also spelled Sinder, is the third...
  5. Broken_HMS

    US Army Badges v1.0

    Combat Action Badge Air Assualt Badge Combat Infantry Badge Master Parachutist Badge Miltiary Free Fall Parachutist Badge
  6. Broken_HMS

    Ukraine, Kursk v1.0

    10kx10k map size Comes with Optimisation Custom lighting for realism Custom PBR textures Two Towns and one major town Trench system that allows you to hide (or for a drone to drop a bomb on you) woodlands to hide in with fields for a mixture of tank to tank with infantry huge map with a...
  7. Broken_HMS

    United States Army Pinks and Greens v1.0

    United States Army Dress Uniforms PRODUCT DETAILS Dress Uniforms, all ranks from Private to General.
  8. Broken_HMS

    US DCUs v1.0

    US DCUs Templates
  9. Broken_HMS

    Woodland MCCU Short + long v1.0

    Woodland MCCU Short + long
  10. Broken_HMS

    Cape Verde, Ilheu Grande v1.0

    This amazing map can be used for all types of MILSIMs to RNLG groups even not based in Western Africa. The diversity of assets mixed with the in-depth lighting allows top of the line Playability Comes with the following,
  11. Broken_HMS

    Mortar System v1.0

    custom sfx and sounds one of the best mortor system on the market. easy to set up and easy to use recommended for any game type from realistic milsims to your more casual games
  12. Broken_HMS

    Fort Radcliff v1.0

    Vietnam War FOB Generic Fort that can add a flair to your Vietnam War MILSIM but can also be used as a deployment map with its small offspring of villages. It comes with ACS installed. Comes with, ACS, UNIFORMS, CUSTOM PBR TEXTURES, SOUNDS, TRAINING SITE, HELICOPTERS & MORE
  13. Fjnxcl

    United States Army Map V3 v1.0

    INFORMATION United States Army Academy V3 is the top of the line US Army base, featuring all features such as a gun engine and overhead ranks this amazing map has detail to everything. With furnished buildings and has everything you need to Kick Start your US Army. FEATURES Fully Scripted...
  14. TechX

    Fort Jackson v1.0

    Test Game: Fort Jackson is a United States Army installation, which TRADOC operates on for Basic Combat Training (BCT), and is located within the city of Columbia, South Carolina. This installation is named for Andrew Jackson, a...
  15. AlexP21

    US Army Kit & Gear Pack v1.0

    epic kit
  16. AlexP21

    NC 28542 Camp Lejeune US Marine Base v1.0

    A realistic, 1:1 scale map of the Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base Features: Shooting range Base Entrance Parade Grounds Intricate detail More photos - Google Drive
  17. ShadowCorp

    United States Naval Academy v1.0

    This is an incredible, high quality Naval Academy Base map. From everything from a realistic and custom gun system to custom scripted uniforms picker. The buildings on the map are all made using Blender. Features: - Fully Scripted - Overhead GUI - Gun System - Many UIS - Regimental...
  18. Omega Manufactory

    United States Space Force Base v1.0

    A high-quality USSF base with waypoint mark UIs.
  19. Fjnxcl

    US Parade Grounds v1.0

    US Parade Grounds is our newest addition to our military maps, this Parade deck map is made for US army but is customizable to fit any army, featuring a few of asahi's scripts this amazing map comes at a cheap price. Scripted High Quality Detailed Customizable Large map
  20. Fjnxcl

    Fort Carson US Army Base v1.0

    A very high quality and medium-sized military map that is perfect for any military or role-play based games. Has everything you need for an army, including hats and uniforms, Etc. Parade square Headquarters Some uniforms and hats Scripted ACS guns High quality Huge Map Multiple Buildings