[1.8, 1.12, 1.17] Cubed - NPCs | Holograms | Menus | Commands | Scoreboard | Store | Serializers


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Cubed - Rapid plugin development for 1.8, 1.12, and 1.17
The goal of Cubed is to provide developers with all of the complex systems and utilities they'd need to rapidly build prototype plugins and game-modes, and server owners/managers with the ability to manage in-game content with ease.

JAR $25 (per ver)
SRC $75 (per ver)

Telegram: bfb_da_packman

  • Supports Bukkit and Bungeecord for 1.8, 1.12, and 1.17
  • Automated file/config backups.
  • Command Library
    • Annotation based
    • Also supports dynamically generated commands
    • Compatible with other command libraries
    • Supports async commands & parameter transforming
    • Bind command arguments to specific types, with automatic parameter transforming
    • Supports several parameter types out the box
      • All primitive types (boolean, string, int, double, float, long...)
      • Chat colors
      • Enchantments
      • Equipment slots
      • Game modes
      • Item flags
      • Players & offline players (w/ Mojang Lookup if async)
      • Worlds
  • Menu Library
    • Supports checking if menu was manually closed (by pressing ESC)
    • Several pre-made button types
      • Textured skin button
      • Player skin button
      • Back button
      • Number button (+1, +10, -1, -10, set quantity)
      • Switch button
    • Several pre-made menu types
      • Confirmation menu
      • Color selection menu
      • Item selection menu
      • Text editor w/ multi-line support & save/discard
      • Paginated menus (w/ filters)
    • Useful in-game menu template editor. Create menus w/ buttons and placeholders in-game, and bind actions to them.
  • Scoreboard Library
    • Adapter based implementations
    • Packet based logic
    • Performance efficient, logic processed on a separate thread
    • Compatible with other libraries that manipulate scoreboards/tab
    • Makes title animations easy
    • Scoreboard Preview system
      • Create prototype scoreboard layouts using the in-game text editor
      • Apply the prototype scoreboard globally
      • Persistent across restarts
  • Abstract custom entity system
    • Packet based (extremely efficient, doesn't use bukkit/NMS entities)
    • All entity logic is ticked on a separate thread
    • Smart caching/lookups by ID, UUID, class type
    • Smart entity editing system
      • All entity implementations have a custom edit menu w/ their own options
      • Entity debug view, shows a hologram with useful info for each entity in area around you
      • Entity move tool
      • Entity port tool
      • Entity selection tool
    • NPCs
      • Supports custom skins/textures (fetch skin via username or config)
      • Supports custom gear/loadouts via in-game menu
      • Supports auto-updating lines
      • Supports custom nametags
      • Supports phrases that appear above head on interval
      • Edit NPCs on the fly via in-game menus, including position/direction
    • Holograms
      • Supports all colors, styles, and up to 64 characters
      • Supports auto-updating holograms
      • Supports rainbow holograms
      • Supports placeholders
      • Supports personalized holograms, that only show to specific players
      • Supports left-clicking and right-clicking
    • Villagers
      • Supports auto-updating lines
      • Supports custom nametags
      • Supports villager professions
    • Supports packet-based left-clicking (damaging) and right-clicking (interacting)
    • Abstract animation support, w/ in-game menus to apply animations to entities
    • Smart thread that handles entity visibility (based on distance, settings, caches)
    • Supports AStar Pathfinding and comes with a simple walk-to/look-at movement implementation
    • Commands to import/export entities
  • LiteEdit - A library for updating blocks/chunks extremely efficiently, using NMS hacks
    • Updates millions of blocks in milliseconds
    • Count air in region
    • Fill region with block pattern
  • Nametag Library
    • Supports players & NPCs
    • Apply custom nametags to players & NPCs, up to 32 characters in length
    • Auto updating nametags based on adapter
    • Logic processed on a separate thread
  • Player Visibility Library
    • Handles showing/hiding players based on adapter's conditions
    • Adapter based implementations
    • Logic processed on a separate thread
    • Hides hidden players in commands & tab completion
  • Store Module
    • The store module provides easy access to Redis/MongoDB pools.
    • UUID/Username/Skin cache
      • Easily fetch the UUID, username, or skin of a player that has been cached into the store.
      • Optionally query the Mojang API if the data needed can't be fetched from cache
  • Serializers Module
    • Provides GSON access, and registration of type adapters on the fly
    • Supports a few type adapters out the box
    • Provides utils for serializing/deserializing to and from BSON/GSON
  • Abstract plugin framework for building modular plugins
    • Automatic command, command parameter types, and listeners registration
    • Automatic plugin handler initialization
    • Each module can have its own config file, with support for default config
    • Automatic module/handler saving on interval
    • Supports module late loading (for modules that have to wait for other plugins/modules to be initialized, i.e worlds loading)
  • Info/error logging
    • Log files that holds a queue of logs that will write to disk on an interval (auto saving logs)
    • Write extremely detailed error logs that can will write to disk for later inspection
    • Suppress Bukkit complaints of async commands
  • A collection of clean and useful utilities
    • Bukkit
      • AngleUtils - Convert angles (yaw) to block face and vice versa, convert angle to bytes for packets
      • ColorUtils - Several methods for converting color data to other color data. For example, chat colors to wool data, wool data to color name, etc.
      • Constants - A huge collection of unicode symbols, skin textures, regex patterns, etc.
      • Conversations - A utility for handling Bukkit conversations.
      • EntityUtils - A utility for parsing & formatting entity names, clearing entity AI, and manipulating entity attributes.
      • EventUtils - A utility that provides helper logic for processing Bukkit events.
      • InventoryUtils - A utility for manipulating Bukkit inventories.
      • ItemBuilder - A utility for building an ItemStack using chained method calls.
      • ItemUtils - A utility for creating, comparing, and manipulating items. Method examples: getName, getDisplayName, applySkullTexture, isSimilar, hasSameLore, hasSameEnchantments, setMonsterEggType, itemTagHasKey, addToItemTag, colorLeatherArmor, etc...
      • Tasks - A utility that provides lambda methods for registering Bukkit tasks.
      • Prompts - Sexy lambda based prompts
        • InputPrompt - A prompt for capturing any type of input
        • DurationPrompt - A prompt for capturing a duration in the format of 1d5h27m3s
        • NumberPrompt - A prompt for capturing any type of number
        • PricePrompt - A prompt for capturing a dollar amount
        • PlayerPrompt - A prompt for capturing a player
    • Bungee
      • BungeeUtil - Send players to Bungee
    • Hook
      • VaultHook - Easy lambda method access to use Vault's services and register your Vault hooks.
      • WorldEditUtils - Methods to create new edit sessions, get a player's region selection, load a clipboard from file, paste a clipboard, or save a clipboard to a file.
    • Math
      • Chance - A utility for testing chance/probability or making weighted picks.
      • Numbers - A utility for parsing numbers, performing number operations, and formatting numbers.
    • NMS
      • ParticleUtil - Performance efficient utility for sending particles to player(s)
      • DataWatcherUtil - A utility for creating and manipulating NMS data watchers using reflection
      • MinecraftProtocol - A utility for creating and sending packets using reflection, checking player protocol version, etc. Also has several methods for creating commonly used packets.
      • MinecraftReflection - A utility that provides access to a lot of commonly used NMS code, and several extremely useful helper methods, like: getNMSClass, getCraftBukkitClass, getPing, getTPS, newGameProfile, setGameProfileTexture, getEnumItemSlot, getEnumParticle, etc...
      • NBTUtil - A utility for creating and manipulating all NBT types.
    • Text
      • TextUtil - A utility for formatting, trimming, and comparing text.
      • TextSplitter - A utility for splitting a line of text into multiple lines and retaining its style/formatting.
      • ProgressBarBuilder - A utility for creating text-based progress bars from a percentage. Formatting options available.
    • Time
      • DateUtil - A utility for parsing date inputs and formatting dates into several different formats.
      • TimeUtil - A utility for parsing time inputs and formatting time into several different formats.
    • Reflection - A utility for accessing and invoking methods, constructors, fields, etc.











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