Arctic Era Network
Welcome to Arctic Era Network!
We are looking for respectable, Reputable, Reliable & Skilled Staff.
We have built this server not out of desire for money or income, but
rather to start an amazing community for Minecraft players. We bring
back some of the old/forgotten games with a splash of originality,
Alongside with new original games. We try to offer something for
everyone to do, With a large variety of Mini-Games & More!
We also invested in numerous plugins to advance research/solutions
to prevent cheating, So players get an uninterrupted, fair play time.
Discord Server
Staff Criteria
These are the criteria/constraints you need to meet to be a part of this team.
If you believe you meet these standards, Please send me a PM on here, Where we can further discuss inquiries there.
- Must be 13 years of age or older
- Must use proper grammar, spelling & punctuation
- Must speak in a calm, polite manner at all times
- Must use proper time management
- Must have a 70% or higher in all classes at school (If in school)
- Must show up to work (If you work)
- Must speak English
- Must have a microphone or a way to verbally communicate
- Must be active
- Must speak without profane/inappropriate language
- Must prioritize your own health over the server.
- Must have a decent reputation (80% or higher)
- Must have discord
Application Format
- Age:
- IRL Name:
- Time-Zone:
- Discord:
- MC-Market:
- PayPal: (Developers/Builders)
What are your intentions to join?
Any past experience?
How do you do in School/Work?
Are you able to financially aid the server?
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