Dizzee | Affordable Building Services | Portfolio Included

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I am offering professional and affordable building services and am happy to accept commissions for the benefit of you and I!
I've been a part of the Minecraft community for over the past 8 years, on and off and have spent atleast 5 of those years building for numerous individuals, services and networks.
I have a very small portfolio as of right now because I never really felt the need of it (Which I now regret) because I was known in-between a range of networks, I use to just tend to get commissions back and forth so I never had to go and reach out for any more.
However, that was a long time ago and I am doing it now!

My information is here:
Discord: @Dizzee#3950
Twitter: @NotDizzee

I can provide a list of networks I've worked with if you're interested in my services.
If you'd like to request a build I'd be happy for you to fill out this simple form and either DM me on twitter, send it to my discord or post it in this thread and I'll get back to you if I'm available to complete your desired requests!

What you're looking for:
Time completion:
Price you're willing to pay:
Additional information:
Once I accept your request we can then go into depth about what you really want and expect and continue to work with each other to help achieve the best results possible for you and I.
I have my own build server available and WILL NOT build on any other server. (For safety purposes)
Payment wise, you send 50% of payment at the start of the process as expected and send the other 50% of completion.

I appreciate your time.
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