Large Project - NewEssentials - New Style of Essentials - forecast for 2021 or December 31

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NewEssentials is an improved, optimized Essentials plugin with several functions and features developed especially for today's new server models.​

NewEssentials has several system for activating and deactivating resources as much as Command, that is, if you do not want a command or resource just disable it in Config: "commands.yml". It will be completely disabled from the plugin, and will not waste memory or server processing.

Obs: Remember if you want to delete any resource or command just go to config and commands.yml​

NewEssentials is 100% Configurable, you can change all messages, settings and commands of the plugin plugin you want.​

NewEssentials was developed in version 1.8 and supports version 1.16.4 and already has support for 1.17.​

» ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Resources and Systems ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ «
  • Feature to block players from opening certain types of containers.
  • Feature to block players from falling into void.
  • Bed lock feature.
  • Feature to block specific commands.
  • Feature to block water from freezing.
  • Feature to block the craft of certain items.
  • Feature to block the creation of portals.
  • Feature to block ice and snow from melting.
  • Feature to block zombies and skeletons from setting fire to the sun.
  • Feature to block the use of the Name tag from mobs.
  • Feature to block the use of personal nicks (block certain words in the nick).
  • Feature to block the player from going to the other side of the edge with ender pearl.
  • Feature to block or block words from being used on boards.
  • Feature to block SHIFT in certain containers.
  • Feature to block the use of vehicles.
  • Feature to block climbing on top of the nether ceiling.
  • Feature to block teleport through portals.
  • Feature to disable rain.
  • Feature to disable the day cycle.
  • Feature to disable enderdrag on damage.
  • Feature to disable Wither's damage (completely).
  • Feature to disable the flow Y of the water (prevents the water from flowing down).
  • Feature to disable hunger.
  • Feature to disable incoming, outgoing and dead messages.
  • Feature to disable spawn of natural mobs (only in ce with egg or spawner or command).
  • Feature to disable the spread of fire.
  • Feature to disable falling sand and gravel.
  • Feature to disable anvil drop.
  • Appears to execute commands when the player first enters the server.
  • Feature to disable falling leaves from broken trees.
  • Feature to disable crops from being broken when crushed by jumping.
  • Feature to disable cactus damage.
  • Feature to disable Blaze and Ghast fireballs.
  • Feature to delete commands from the server.
  • Feature to block the double login bug(for those who use login plugin).
  • Feature to stop explosions from destroying items dropped on the floor.
  • Resource to manage the server plugins (Plugman <- Soon will be added).
  • Infinite anvil system (you notice the mustache and it doesn't break).
  • System of using colors on the plates.
  • System of using colors on anvils.
  • Cooldown for ender pearl use.
  • Feature not to take damage for a few seconds when teleporting.
  • Feature to limit the number of players on the server.
  • Slot systems for donors and non-donors are kicked off from the server (random player).
  • Feature to not lose XP when dying.
  • Welcome MOTD when entering the server.
  • PingMotd will be added soon (I will need help with that part soon) '='.
  • Welcome title when entering the server.
  • Complete death system, with message for who killed, who died and broadcast.
  • System to drop the player's head when dying.
  • Self-announcement that sends messages automatically in the chat.
  • Scoreboard (simple) (I recommend you disable it, the scoreboard only updates when reloading).
  • Tablist.
  • Complete spawning system.
  • Kits system (differentiated).
  • Warps system (differentiated).
  • Homes system (Almost the same as Essentials).
  • TPA system.
  • System to not allow similar nicks like DEIVIDGAB and DeivIdga
  • System to see all information and specifications of the machine (host) through a command.
  • Cooldown system for any minecraft command.
  • Delay system for any minecraft command.
  • ADD-ON with Vault.
  • And many others - (and more that will come, as time goes by when I have an idea.)...
» ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Permissions ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ «
I will soon put

» ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Configuration Files ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ «
Each warp has its own configuration file, so each warp can have a different message. Example:
» ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Videos ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ «
note: As I have no money, I will give this plugin a value of 20 or 30GBP (I am deciding what the official value of the plugin will be).

» ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Changelog ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ «
It has a lot of bugs and improvements to fix, I didn't post it because I haven't fixed the bugs yet.
1: Fixed some spelling and consistency errors in some plugin messages.
2: Fixed bug in the /tp command.
3: Fixed bug in the /crash command.
4: Fixed bug in the system to limit the number of players (now it's perfect).
5: Fixed a small bug in the /warp command.
6: Fixed bug in the title, tablist and actionbar system in certain versions and JARs.
7: Fixed bug where '&' could not be used in the commands.yml file.
8: Fixed plugin bug not connecting in some versions.
9: Fixed bugs in the /health command.
10: Fixed bugs in the /title command.
11: Fixed bug in command /statistics
12: Attempting to fix a bug, from now on warps will take 30 seconds to load on the server.
13: Fixed spawn and warps bugs (from now on, warps and locations take 30 seconds to start).
14: Fixed all warps, spawn related bugs
15: From now on the Spawn and warps system takes 30 seconds to start up.
16: Fixed bugs in the /echest command.
17: Fixed a small bug in the kit system.
18: Fixed a small bug in the fly system.
19: Fixed small bug in the Lock Crafts system.
20: Fixed serious bug in the Fly system by world for players.
21: Fixed possible bug and optimized /compact.
22: Fixed a small bug in the /compact command.
23: Fixed /givekit command bug.
24: Fixed /compact bug.
1: Added scoreboard support for versions below 1.8.
2: Added new command /viewkit.
3: Added new information in help.yml.
4: Added new command /repair.
5: Added new subcommand /NewEssentials info.
6: Added invisibility effect when entering vanish mode.
7: Added function to send kits from the console using /kit <kit> <player>.
8: Added new command /verinfo.
9: Added new command /statistics.
10: Added new features in the /edititem command.
11: Added to the /NewEssentials host subcommand.
12: Added new NewEssentials.warp.all permission to be able to access any warp.
13: Added new information in the /NewEssentials host command.
14: Added new command /terminal.
15: Added new command /rendering.
16: Added new very top subcommand in the /NewEssentials host command.
17: Added new API to take and set View-Distance (rendering) of the player on the server.
18: Added new command /givekit.
19: Added a new delay system for the command /disclose.
20: Added Vault Addon.
21: Added new feature to block breaking planting by jumping.
22: Added new feature to disable Ghast and Blaze fireball.
23: Added new feature to edit item amount in command /edititem.
24: Added a new subcommand in the /speed command to reset the speed.
25: Added /online, /executesound and /tpall commands.
26: Added new API to open anvils and new command /anvil.
27: Added new naming system for kits.
28: Added feature to delete server commands
1: Redoing the kit system listener.
2: Re-organized to the priorities of bukkit,spigot and etc... events.
3: Reformulated the scoreboard (now it is cached instead of being created every time a player enters).
4: Kit system bug fixed 1.13.
5: Aesthetic improvement in parts of the code and reformulation in some packages
1: General optimization in all plugin commands.
2: Great Optimization in the codes.
3: Small optimization in pieces of code.
4: Optimization and minimal changes to some insignificant things in the code.
5: Reformulation in some classes and small general code optimization.
6: Redesigned infinite anvil system and optimization in other codes
7: Redesigned system for loading the locations (warps, spawn),from now on the plugin will try to load the location when starting the server,if it fails to load it will try again in 30 seconds, in case it doesn't get an error again will be shown on the console. If someone tries to teleport to the invalid location, they will be teleported to the 0.250.0 coordinates.
Soon I will make the banner and the logo of the plugin, and improved the topic...
note: I'm not a Photoshop expert so the banner and the logo will get ugly
screenshots will be added soon
Forecast to finish the plugin in 2021 or December of the 31st.

Proof that I own the plugin.
Captura de tela 2020-11-20 152127.jpg

This NewChestCommands and a better fork of the ChestCommands plugin, was going to be paid, but I decided to make it free, only the moderators need to approve the plugin​


Feedback score
NewEssentials Plugin Update - From the 21st to the 22nd (UP)
25: Fixed bug in the /editkit <id> name <new-name> command.
26: Fixed bug in Auto-Annuncio that does not work with line break '\n'.
27: Fixed some small (very small and rare) bugs.
28: Fixed small anvil system that prevented placing an anvil on top of the other.
29: Fixed bugs in the system of renaming items on the anvil.
30: Fixed Cycle of the Day bug
31: Fixed some bugs and fixed some features issues.
32: Fixed a small bug in the list of kits and warps for staffs
33: Fixed a small bug in the kit listing and the home limit.
34: Fixed SkullAPI bug that bugged the / skull command and the head drop system.
35: Fixed small bug in the /potion command.
36: Fixed some bugs that happened in version 1.14 of minecraft

29: Added support for version 1.14.
30: Added API to change the repair cost of Items and added subcommand in the /edititem command.
31: Added feature to prevent mobs from picking up items from the floor.
32: Added configurable StackMobs system.
33: Added item name option to announce death.
34: Added delay to teleport on /back command.
35: Adds feature to block the double login bug(for those who use login plugin yet).
36: Added feature to block explosions from destroying dropped items on the floor.
37: Added invisibility effect for players in the vanish system.
38: Added feature to block the /back system in certain worlds.
39: Added new API to get information from Offline Players.
40: Adding new subcommand /NewEssentials stop.
41: Added plugin management system (plugman).
42: Added new API to grab URL heads and add new functionality to the /skull command.
43: Added support for version 1.14.
44: Added to the /potion clear command.
45: Added new feature to disable cactus damage.
46: Added support for version 1.15.

13: Minor optimization and changes
14: Plugin optimization.
15: Changes to the /back command system
16: Redesigned MOTD system,it is now possible to configure maintenance MOTD (whitelist on / off)
17: Removed option to configure the sounds of the auto-announcement and the /slime command.
18: Redone the system and fixed a small bug in the "Block Mobs From Catching Fire For The Sun".
19: Lists of the /potion /sgive /enchant commands have been reformulated and colors added in ','.
20: Redesigned the entire mobspawner system, now with customizable name and lore.
21: General optimization and fixed minor typos in messages.
22: General code optimization.
23: Command blocker system improved.
24: Removed system of random messages in the auto-announcement, now they are displayed in order.
25: General code optimization.
26: Command /terminal removed and transferred to /NewEssentials terminal.


Feedback score
As wizard-chan said, I have strong doubt that this will be of the same quality as EssentialsX. However, I do wish you the best of luck when trying to make the plugin!


Feedback score

Future News:
  • Basic Host System: It will generate the basic information of your host.​
  • Advanced Host System: It will generate all your host information.​
  • Help system in json plugin.​
  • New style of the plugin list: You can identify which ones are on, off and downloaded.​
  • Plugman: You can enable plugins both Disable and load also unload.​
  • System to get information from other plugins.​
  • You can use the host terminal within the game​
  • You can use the host console within the game​
  • You can shut down the server using the / essentials stop, disable command​
NewEssentials Plugin Update - From the 23st to the 25nd (UP)
37: Fixed some bugs that happened in version 1.14 and 1.15 of minecraft.
38: Fixed a bug that did not allow overwriting a home when the home limit was reached.
39: Fixed a small bug in the /invsee command.
40: Fixed some problems loading the spawn location.
41: Fixed some problems with the legendchat's home and automatic color limit system (For those who still use the plugin).
42: Fixed some problems in the /kit and /invsee command.
43: Fixed a small bug in the teleporting players system for spawn and warps.
44: Fixed bug in /colors and /viewinfo commands.
45: Fixed bug that allowed some natural mobs to be born even with the Natural Mobs feature enabled.
46: Fixed a bug in the teleport players system in the /warp command.
47: Fixed bug in the system that detects the version of the server that is running and the JAR that is running.
48: Fixed bug in the teleport players system in the /warp command.
49: Fixed other small bugs.

47: Added new command /essentials console <command> to execute a command on the server console.
48: Added option to configure the distance of the stackmobs and added option to configure mobs that should not be grouped.
49: Added permission<world> permission to fly only in a specific world added.
50: Added group system for homes. It is now possible to create groups with home limits. EX: and
51: Added custom permission error message for each Kit.
52: Added system to be able to view and edit the echest and invsee of players that are OFFLINE.
53: Added system for staffs to be able to teleport players to spawn and warps.EX: /warp <warp> [player].
54: Added system to reload all kits and warps using the /essentials reload command.
55: Added a cooldown configuration system for any command.
56: Added configurable delay system for any command.
57: Added feature to block anvil physics (block them from falling like sand).
58: Added feature to execute commands when the player enters the server for the first time.
59: Added configuration to activate or deactivate the message that lists kits and warps when the player types the name of a warp or kit that does not exist.
60: Added /sudo all command to execute a command for all players on the server.
61: Added /essentials debug subcommand to see some internal System information
62: Added support for the new minecraft version 1.16!
63: Added support for the new minecraft version 1.16.2 and 1.16.3!
64: Added pre-support for 1.17

27: Blocked the use of special characters (! #% {}.) In names of kits, warps and homes to prevent bugs.
28: General code optimization again.
29: From now on, STANDARD warps messages can be configured within the messages.yml file. (Remembering that you can still customize each message of each WARP inside the warp file that is inside the warps folder).


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Now at 13:07, I finally finished doing almost all the Essentials commands for an Essentials.



There were a total of 61 commands
Now I will have to register 1 by 1 to see if the command is working.


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hey, packages are supposed to be named this way:
no captial letters
no _ or anything



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Today 1 December at 10:49
I just registered 61 commands in the main class, plugin.yml and also in commands.yml.

During 61 commands to test, the following errors occurred.
  • Error Command /essentials backup.
  • Error Command /essentials reload.
  • Error message bug in Class: "Command Setspawn".
  • Improve and fix bugs in the Spawner System (Bug Seriously).
  • Fix APISkull bug.
  • Fix the bug in the Command /Skull.
  • Improve all systems and kits (Bug Seriously).
  • Fix a plugin bug that only starts when reloading the server(Bug Seriously!!!!!!).

  • Improve MachineInfo Class information
  • Improve the "New Essentials" class.
  • Improve information in the class: "CommandStatistic".
  • Improve bug messages and information in Classes: "CommandTpa, Class message".
  • Improve information in the class: "Command View". and improve the messages in the class: "messages.yml.
  • Improve whole Home system
  • Improve Warp system and improve all information.

  • Improve the command tpa, tpaccept, tpdeny, tpcancel and turn support for json, clicking on the messages.


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Impression of Planet Proxima Centauri with New the stars, Centauri a and Centauri B - Information about Proxima Centauri .
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