Looking for investors for Infinite.


Feedback score
looking for investors budget must be 300-800$
Type: Practice
you will receive 50% of what the server makes

Contact Info:
Discord: Technobladev3#6393
Telegram: Technobladev3
Asking for investments / loans are not allowed on the website. The case that it is allowed is only when the investor receives equal ownership. Or a percentage of equity in the company. I see you have done so here, so let’s talk about it for a bit.

You have no information about the server, other than knowing it’s a practice server. Realistically speaking if the $300 - $800 is not for advertisement it is definitely not meant to be that high. Practice servers have no way of getting your money back as there is no way to make it pay-to-win. Any person that is unfamiliar with 1.8.9 pvp servers will have no idea what practice is, maybe a concept of something similar, but usually not. It honestly would not hurt to type a few paragraphs about the server, your initiative, advertising plan, strengths, weaknesses, about yourself, and anything else you feel is relevant for the investor / future owner to know.

Please do not compare yourself with other practice servers as they have been around for several years and it is very hard to gain traction, especially with no budget for advertising. Since you are looking for an “investor” I can only imagine that you do not have a budget for the server. My tip? Honestly, just stick around to selling things on this website and if you do it really well, you can make $1,000 to $2,000 per month.

I’m not trashing your thread, I’m sure someone else can say the same thing as I am or more.
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